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  1. G

    Welcome to the new OpenPandora / Pyra / GP32X Boards!

    Still alive, haven't done much gp32/gp2x in a long time - after the who 2-yr waiting list for the Craiginator fiasco I pretty much dropped out of that scene in disgust. Closest I come to programming toy computers now is a combination of writing Scratch code and messing around with Raspberry...
  2. G


    Has anyone bought a Nanonote ( ) while waiting for the Pandora? Full unix with keyboard, and it's smaller (although no game inputs). I think it's a Mips-derived processor like some of the other small hand-held emulation systems I've seen...
  3. G

    GP2X Gba Emu And Static Translation

    Hi David! I didn't find out about this project until *way* too late - is it still being worked on? I wish the guy writing this had come and join us on static-recompilers, it would have made for a good discussion. For the case of running GBA code on the GP2X my recommendation would be to NOT...
  4. G

    Can't See Filesystem Over Usb

    Solved. I reformatted as FAT32 rather than FAT, and the drive became visible. Also I discovered (,0,0,0,8,1191 ) which allows a terminal session over the USB cable, which was the other thing I wanted to do.
  5. G

    Can't See Filesystem Over Usb

    Now that's a constructive comment. So do you know how to use the USB cable to talk to the GP2X like a serial port? I would have assumed that if it were easy, there would not be a market for homebrew serial cables... :-) Of course I didn't order a serial cable when I bought the machine because...
  6. G

    Can't See Filesystem Over Usb

    Strange that you should brag on not reading someone's post before replying. In the first line I said: I have a card reader. However I wanted to try using files to communicate interactively with the gp2x - either to submit simple batch scripts, or to fake a socket or named pipe-like interface...
  7. G

    Can't See Filesystem Over Usb

    Already did: One of the two PCs I tried doesn't even have USB2.
  8. G

    Can't See Filesystem Over Usb

    I can see my (FAT formatted) SD card OK in a card reader, but not when I connect the GP2X to a PC over USB. I've tried 2 PCs, both USB and USB2 slots. The USB itself is recognised by the plug&pray but no filesystem icon appears. Could that be because it is FAT, not FAT32? (I only have one...
  9. G

    GP32 Gp32 Scrabble

    Actually I can help with the game engine; it's the GUI side of things I find difficult myself. Have a look here and see if there's anything you can adapt... - G
  10. G

    The only way for plenty of 100% emulation is....

    A technique which is not very well known but works very nicely on hardware like this which is *almost* fast enough is static binary translation. My tailgunner port for the GP32 is a translation of cinematronics machine code to low level C. I'm currently experimenting with the same technique...
  11. G

    Easier to port emulators - including MAME

    Actually most programs on the Archimedes are in portable C and not often finely tuned ARM machine code. There are some programs written in ARM assembler (eg 6502 emulators) and I would certainly dearly love to see a BBC Micro emulator ported to the GP32, but by and large the original portable...