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    Transfers... Tranzfers..

    I haven't seen this answered yet, sorry if it has... If we've already received a Google Checkout email then do we already have our amount 'reserved' for payment before the limit was reached? Or will no more Google Checkout payments be accepted?
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    How Will Your Pandora Lose It's Virginity?

    Gran Turismo 2
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    Future Pandora's Owners : Where Do You Live ?

    Tasmania, Australia There's a few of us Aussie's here but not heaps... Oh and, let's hope the total number of votes doesn't exceed 3000! :o
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    Pandora + Pc + Dosbox

    If the Pandora ends up being capable of medium spec 386 levels (like has been touted) then I'd be keen to try Magic Carpet and Indianapolis 500!
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    How easy would it be to accurately shoot in the direction you wanted using the control system you suggested? How about shooting at someone and running backwards away from them at the same time?
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    Sales +/- 3000

    Just to continue the Aussie contingency theme that's popped up in this thread... I'm from Hobart! I think I may be the only Tasmanian to own one, but it's difficult to know. I'll be interested to see how quickly the 3000 get pre-ordered, this could be one of those things that is...
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    New Video On Blog Update!

    I think MWeston's and ZodTTD's YouTube videos are the closest you'll get at this stage. Also, the song is "Musclecar Reform Reprise" by Mylo (2004)
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    The Cradle

    ooh ooh ooh! First post! Awesome news Craigix! Looks gorgeous and makes it look like a must buy!
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    Gp2x Australia Community

    I don't think there are enough of us to warrant our own online forum. If Aussies want to find other nearby Aussies with GP2X's then they can probably use this forum. Do I recall a Frappr map being set up for the community? I've always wondered if there are other Tasmanian GP2X owners.
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    Mame Gp2x 3.4

    I agree with saehn and rooster. Maybe it's because I'm a music producer, but my enjoyment of games is reduced if I notice sound errors during gameplay. For example, I noticed straight away when the music in SFII was deeper than the original (and I believe that this is fixed now). If we're...
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    Spilt A Cup Of Hot Water All Over My Gp2x

    A few years ago I put my MP3 player (with laser pointer!!) through the wash. It might have survived, if it hadn't broken up into about a dozen pieces... I actually cried.
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    Entire Wikipedia Fits On An Sd

    According to Roam magazine it is possible to fit all Wikipedia texts onto a single SD card. This was talked about by one of the regular columnists. I don't doubt that there's enough room on an SD card if the data is stored in a relatively raw format, but it makes me think of the possibilities...
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    Best 2gb Sd Card?

    Has anybody else mentioned/seen this card? If you flick the hinges then you can plug the card directly into a USB port. I would think that this would be easier than carrying a cable for the 2X or a seperate dedicated card reader, and it possibly offers faster transer rates.
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    Upgrading A Mame Cabinet

    Thanks for the feedback. Damn, that's what I was affraid of. To be honest I haven't checked whether a CPU upgrade is possible. It's just embarrasing having a MAME cabinet that's barely more powerful than my GP2X. :lol: But it still gives my old tower something to do I guess.
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    Upgrading A Mame Cabinet

    I'm using my old computer (Win98, 700MHZ, 128MB RAM, GeForce2 64MB) as a MAME cabinet but it is incapable of properly running games more advanced than about Street Fighter 2 level at the moment (such as Outrun and Smash T.V.). If i wanted to spend a small amount of cash to improve the system...
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    Testing Battery Light

    Sweet. That's all I needed to know, thanks.
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    Testing Battery Light

    Hey guys, I have a sneaking suspicion that I have a faulty battery light as I have never seen it come on before. This isn't a huge problem because if I'm really desperate to know then I can go back to the menu or use OldPlay, but is there a util or emulator or something that uses the battery...
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    The Monster In My Pocket

    While we're on the subject of the Mk2 battery compartment... I am finding that with my 2400Mah batteries I have to use a sharp object to prise them out to recharge. But I have 1700Mah ones that fit much more loosely and come out easily. I thought AA's were supposed to be a standard size. Why...
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    Gp2x Downunder!!!!

    Hi guys. I thought it was only fair to do an update after recieving my replacement. The new GP2X from the Australian outlet is working fine. Check out this timeline: Sunday - I email the shop to say that the unit is defective Monday - I get a response saying send it back and they'll get me a...