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  1. T

    Changing some basic settings and loading a PND on boot

    thanks for your help, I've implemented what I can of these to good effect  Any further tips are greatly appreciated and if you have a bitcoin address I may even tip you back. ;)
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    Changing some basic settings and loading a PND on boot

    I received a TV out cable last week and have now set my Pandora up as the 'brain' of a MAME cabinet by connecting it to an old CRT and an X Arcade 2 player set. What I'd love to do is have a few settings changed automatically on boot so that anyone can walk up and switch a few buttons and start...
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    Website Coding On The Pandora

    Thanks for the advice jeff, Bluefish is the only PND that stopped working. This was definitely this first time I'd messed with permissions as I had to learn how to do it first. ;) I'm very careful, for example I don't install the hotfixes until they're 'official'. Regardless, perhaps it is...
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    Website Coding On The Pandora

    No worries, glad that it was non-trivial. Let me know if I can answer any questions to help. Order of operations was: - Downloaded Bluefish to SD card early this year into 'menu' directory. Ran from menu, worked fine. - Tried running again many months later and app opened/closed quickly...
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    Website Coding On The Pandora

    I was just downloading it as I read your post. Yep, looks good. The full screen mode works nice. If I can't get Bluefish working then this is great.
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    Website Coding On The Pandora

    With pleasure, thanks for helping. sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/desktop//bluefish.pnd -e scripts/ -b bluefish not mounted on loop yet, doing so LoopMountedon: /dev/loop0 Filetype is Squashfs Mounting PND (mount -t squashfs) : /dev/loop0 on...
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    Website Coding On The Pandora

    Thanks for the reply. I'm on Hotfix 5.
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    Website Coding On The Pandora

    This post is part trouble-shooting and part information request. I want to do HTML, JS and CSS coding on my Pandora and had been doing so using the excellent Bluefish. However the program unexpectedly stopped working. The program flashes up and then disappears. I checked the .out debug file...
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    Release Goldendict

    I've noticed that this automatically starts with a link to English Wikipedia, which is fantastic, but of course it requires an internet connection. Is it possible to index one of the offline versions of Wikipedia for use in GoldenDict?
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    Gog - Good Old Games - Dead! :(

    Bought out? Steam maybe? The note above doesn't imply a sell-out or take over.
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    Anki Wants Mplayer

    Thanks WizardStan. Yes I've tried re-installing many times and still no menu icon or ability to run gnome-mplayer from terminal, even though mplayer runs from terminal. I get no errors when I install the codec pack. Might be time to log something on the bugtracker.
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    Anki Wants Mplayer

    As a quick thread hijack whilst its still on the front page... How do you get the GUI for gnome-mplayer up? Its not on my desktop or menu so i can only run movies from terminal at the moment.
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    Release Mtpaint.pnd Available

    Anybody got a working link for this please?
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    Let's Make Our Own Fps!

    Well, work with the OpenGL ES on board the Pandora is still fairly pioneering at this stage. I'm guessing an engine couldn't be built until that is understood better. The reason why there's so much talk of porting other engines is simple: "Why re-invent the wheel?" There is a stupid amount...
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    Beta Chromium 4 With Ssl And Chromium Snapshot

    Fantiastic! I've been waiting for this so that I can properly ditch Firefox. You mustn't be too far away from including this as the default browser?
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    Pandora Phone? Openoffice? Amsn? Yes! :d

    Wow, that's great stuff. Things are moving so quickly in the Pandora development world it's easy to miss these things.
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    Dxx-Rebirth (1 And 2)

    :huh: Does this not work with the shareware files or am I doing it wrong?
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    Pandora Should Move To Android

    The Pandora doesn't need to MOVE to Android because it's capability to run different GUIs etc. is one of it's strong points. But should a lot of time (and potentially money) be spent to get Andriod working well on Pandora? Absolutely. Just be careful that doing this doesn't highlight the...
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    Opt: How Would Investments Help You?

    Only if you use it to buy a flight to China. :blink:
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    Your Favourite Pandora Moment So Far...

    My favourite Pandora moment? "What is your order number!?" ...with streaming radio whilst web browsing a close second. ;)