Search results

  1. jlepley

    Southpark 201 Censored? Wtf?!

    This topic is so going to get locked. Also, a teacher is more likely to molest a child than a priest is.
  2. jlepley

    Programming Languages

    I learned about this in my CompSci class. Apparently, floating point numbers are stored in such a convoluted way, that when 0.2 is stored in a variable, it gets turned into 0.2000000000000002 or something.
  3. jlepley

    Oh F**k Icontrolpad Is Doomed

    The court system sucks.
  4. jlepley

    Nintendo 3Ds A.k.a. Nintendo Ds2

    The Wii itself isn't gimmicky, it's just that a large percentage of the games for it are gimmicky.
  5. jlepley

    Let's Guess What Is In The New Boxes?

    Carrying cases or video-out cables I would guess.
  6. jlepley

    What's In Those Boxes In Craigs Tweet?

    I think it's because the U.S. and European countries use different voltages. I could be wrong though.
  7. jlepley

    Good And Reliable Webspace Wanted

    A guy I know owns a small web hosting company, it might be what you're looking for.
  8. jlepley

    Improving Pandora Wiki

    You mean something like these?
  9. jlepley

    Knob Polisher

    You forgot the part about getting mounted by customers.
  10. jlepley

    Java Runtime?

    Judging by his avatar, I'd say you get an Extra-Weighted Companion Cube.
  11. jlepley


    According to youtube, the html5 videos will work in Chrome, so would it work with a Pandora port of Chromium?
  12. jlepley


    mIRC has an embedded scripting language that allows users to, among other things, create their own chatbots. I was wondering if this would have anything similar.
  13. jlepley


    Will the users be able to program their own chatbots?
  14. jlepley

    Are You Willing To To Take The Next Case Batch Even If Not Perfect?

    I'd take it if it had some minor silkscreening issues, but it wouldn't be a good idea for the team to release them like that, for aforementioned reasons.
  15. jlepley

    Compiling On The Pandora

    The Pandora, considering how little crap it will probably have to run, will probably be more powerful than anything I own.
  16. jlepley

    Pandora Cases Being Made In China...

    I looked around. Nothing but resolutions there. At this point in time, Fair Trade is only a suggestion, not a mandate. It's awfully hard to break laws that don't exist.
  17. jlepley

    Pandora Cases Being Made In China...

    I still haven't seen any evidence of the existence of "fair trade laws", except for old laws from the 20th century that have all been repealed.
  18. jlepley

    Pandora Cases Being Made In China...

    From what I can tell, (and somebody correct me on this if you can prove me wrong; my research consisted of Ctrl+F-ing "legal" on the Wikipedia page) fair trade has almost no legal weight whatsoever. If that is the case, then this is pretty much a non-issue.
  19. jlepley

    A Stranger In The Fog Knocks On Craig's Door

    Confirmed: the Pandora contains trace amounts of upsidaisium.
  20. jlepley

    Pandora Cases Being Made In China...

    China is not the #1 economic powerhouse right now. More importantly, sweatshops =/= slavery, because slaves are forced to work without any pay at all. Neither of those things are true for sweatshop workers. So +1 to Xanas