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  1. jlepley

    Caught My Dad With My Gf, What Should I Do?

    That sounds like it would hurt.
  2. jlepley

    How Do We Decide?

    Well, if there isn't going to be any kind of major delay after the first 100 ship, then there's no point in giving to just devs early on. I'm changing my vote to first in the queue.
  3. jlepley

    The New Forum Look

    And now some people are voting specific users' posts down just for the heck of it.
  4. jlepley

    The Rabbit Joint

    I think we have all the evidence we need now that the voting system may not have been the best idea in the world.
  5. jlepley

    The Rabbit Joint

    Actually, it's under -1000.
  6. jlepley

    Anybody Into The Martial Arts On These Boards?

    I'm a black belt in karate. I practiced the Shaolin Goju style. Unfortunately, with my rather stressful junior year in high school and the bad economy, I had to quit.
  7. jlepley

    Anyone Else Into Sushi?

    I love Sushi, but now I can't eat any type of seafood without literally getting sick. Which is a shame, because I love seafood, especially sushi, shrimp, and tuna.
  8. jlepley

    Emulation Vs Homebrew

    Hello Mr. Fence. What can I say, they're both fun to play. Granted, some will probably be better than others. Still, you wouldn't make a parent choose favorite children.
  9. jlepley

    How Do We Decide?

    Well, I think some of the first 100 should go to the Pandora Team and well-known developers. For example, the list of developers on the Pandora website. Craig Fatih MWeston Evildragon Cpasjuste DaveC DJWillis notaz Pickle skeezix Squidge vimacs Also, there are other well-known developers such...
  10. jlepley

    Let Us Use The Old Design

    Well, there's another forum I frequent that has a layout I really like. It also has several different skins. Maybe something like that?
  11. jlepley

    The Pnd Package Manager

    I for one like the idea and don't understand the confusion. But let me make sure I've got this straight. It's basically an application that will run on a server. Users will upload their PND files straight from a web browser onto a web site that acts as a liaison between the user and the...
  12. jlepley

    New Logo

    I am going to exercise my God-given, democratic right, purchased with the blood of those who came before us, to laugh my head off at the supreme ignorance shown by Mr. B, and then give a three-letter acronym to express my actions. LOL I would also like to take this opportunity to say that the...
  13. jlepley

    Let Us Use The Old Design

    Well, if you must know, I did click the giant title to the left. It took me to the first post in the topic. What other conclusion was I supposed to draw at that point? Still, a lot of the bugs related to archiving seem to have worn down. There are still several bugs, and the new forum is a bit...
  14. jlepley

    What Would You Test?

    I'd test to see how it would react to exposure to the Transformers cube-thingy. :P In all seriousness, I'd probably test how high I could overclock the processor, and how well it plays videos. (because my computer sucks at video playback)
  15. jlepley

    Let Us Use The Old Design

    I don't like the new redesign, and I imagine a lot of other users don't, either. We appear to have lost a lot of functionality. For example, none of the topics listed in the "get new content" section have the links for going to the first unread post. Also, the blogs are buggy--the blog titles...
  16. jlepley

    Original 3d Games For The Pandora?

    I'm "working on" a game that will have 3D graphics. And I use the term "working on" very loosely because all I have so far is some data being assigned to variables. My programming prowess is a work in progress.
  17. jlepley

    At Least I'm Not Dead. (official Blog Update)

    QUOTE (UPS) What can brown do for you? And we all know what's brown...
  18. jlepley

    Books To Learn How To Code?

    Learn from my personal experience, don't ask for technical assistance on a forum unless you absolutely have no where else to go. You'll probably figure it out on your own, and leave an embarrassing topic up for the world to see. Edit: I second teh-programmer's suggestion for It...
  19. jlepley

    It Has Begun.

    I've got an idea... The most powerful handheld in the world* * that comes with buttons
  20. jlepley

    *legal* Emulation Resources

    I had a crazy thought. Would it be possible to write an application that can extract the ROMs from Wii Virtual Console games off an SD card?