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  1. Yigguth

    I Have Some Questions.

    I seriously doubt they're going to be shipping off any finished Pandoras to preorderers tomorrow. <_< Evil Dragon said possibly December, but maybe January-February
  2. Yigguth

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    YES! I'm really glad I didn't get refunded, because I wouldn't be able to reorder. Also great news about the keypads, I can't wait to see a finished Pandora :D
  3. Yigguth

    N64 Emu In Development?

    I hope this is true :) Some games were actually quite playable on the psp with frameskip and audio disabled, so it can only be better on the pandora, right?
  4. Yigguth

    Which Os Do You Expect To Use On The Pandora Itself?

    I'll probably just use gmenu
  5. Yigguth

    Release pandora shop.

    here it is
  6. Yigguth

    Mail From Ed (with Estimated Shipping Dates)

    I hope I get mine before my birthday in January
  7. Yigguth

    Translations Thread

    Thank you! This is great info. I can't wait to see those cases :)
  8. Yigguth

    Little Update

    thanks for the update craig :) I can't wait to see the controls
  9. Yigguth

    How About Wifi 802.11n Than 802.11b/g?

    There will be no differences between batches, and any changes will be out of necessity and probably not noticeable
  10. Yigguth

    The Pandora Killer

    the pandora is doomed
  11. Yigguth

    No Email, No Refund... Order Went Through? :)

    It's not over until they say it is. I'm also from NA and haven't received an email, but it's been so long and I'm assuming they're going down the list of people in line that I'm pretty sure that most people who haven't received one by now probably aren't going to. Keep checking your email though
  12. Yigguth

    Can Anyone Report On Music Sound Quality?

    Evil Dragon posted a video with sound coming from the Pandora, Sounds pretty good to me
  13. Yigguth

    Your Number In Line?

    I hope nobody gets too excited about this list since not everyone has signed it It says I'm 82 in line right now but I ordered after 2000 had already been sold
  14. Yigguth

    Re-order Emails Going Out Now

    I hate this crap
  15. Yigguth

    Things That Bug Me

    the ram is attached to the omap chip which was available with more ram from the start, but is more affordable now
  16. Yigguth


    I'd say within the next few weeks but that's just my guess
  17. Yigguth

    Release Date?

    Some people may not get theirs until next year, but it's all up in the air right now as far as I know
  18. Yigguth

    What Gadgets You Own Are Going To Be Replaced By Pandora?

    I don't have any other gadgets :(
  19. Yigguth

    What Do You Think The Pandora Can Do

    If I can't ride in the Pandora like an airplane I'll be very disappointed
  20. Yigguth

    Increase In 2nd Batch Price More Likely?

    All pointless speculation. Can't you just wait until the second batch to find out?