Search results

  1. MrBazil2k

    One queue cleared, TV Out cables finally coming and some other tidbits (2013-03-20)

    One of the most used words that I have written within the last 4 months : Awesome ! =D
  2. MrBazil2k

    Pandora received 19.03.13

    Woooot ! congrats ^^
  3. MrBazil2k

    Anyone tried the new Tomb Raider?

    As long as you do not expect a classic Tomb Raider everything is fine. You can compare this game more to "Gears of War" and "Uncharted" instead to the other TR - Games Something for the CoD and Modern Warfare generation of gamers if you ask me with lot of corpses at the end of the lvl. But to...
  4. MrBazil2k

    SuperZaxxon v1.54 RC released

    Same over here. The usual PNDstore doesnt start anymore. I used the Upgrade OS Function as well in the first place. But since something went wrong with that process, I had to redo a manual reflash of the OS.
  5. MrBazil2k

    Release SuperTuxKart for Pandora

    Ah well, that explains everything =) Definitely it is ! =D I have just uploaded a video to youtube to show how great STK already runs on a Ghz Pandora : That one was recorded with effects lvl still set to "8" Something weird I just noticed while...
  6. MrBazil2k

    Release SuperTuxKart for Pandora

    Oki here we go about the Framerates I have got : Rebirth Pandora @ 600 Mhz , Graphicslevel @ 2 : 8/12/16 - 19 KTris Rebirth Pandora @ 850 Mhz , Graphicslevel @ 2 : 10/14/21 - 20 KTris Rebirth Pandora @ 600 Mhz , Graphicslevel @ 8 : 6/6/12 - 30 KTris Rebirth Pandora @ 850 Mhz , Graphicslevel...
  7. MrBazil2k

    official tv-out cables any info

    =D Okay Mr_Loon ... forget about my last "Sorry"-Post I wrote before ... According to EDs post right next to yours ... I am up to date with mine again ;) *Lets see... where was copy and paste again...* Holy Cow ! Thats some ....
  8. MrBazil2k

    Release SuperTuxKart for Pandora

    Oki, I am going to test around a little with the options, the way I am entering the adjustments ( till now i have used the stylus) and if i find any differences in the graphical quality effected by the changes. right now I am downloading super tux cart on the rebirth pandora. I am wondering if...
  9. MrBazil2k

    Release SuperTuxKart for Pandora

    Hum... this is a bit weird. I just set the graphical options back to 2 then did a restart of the game but the fps difference aint that huge cO as i expected it to be ? And to be honest the graphical quality doesnt look to be influenced by changing the value this time fps was : FPS 13/23/33...
  10. MrBazil2k

    PPSSPP - Down + Left Stuck?

    You mean you are/were able to play a game fulls peed on this emulator? I have yet to find a game that was playable on this. :angry:   Sorry if I changed the topic. The thread just surprised me a bit. :wacko:  
  11. MrBazil2k

    Unreal Tournament

    That would be a blast ! =D maybe Virtua Fighter 2 PC under Win98 works fullspeed then. Gosh ! I would have so much more stuff to test then :) EDIT : ah wait ... If I remember right VF 2 PC was D3D ...
  12. MrBazil2k

    PPSSPP - Down + Left Stuck?

    I experienced that as well. So far I can tell you that you are not alone =D But I did not look any further into it yet.
  13. MrBazil2k

    Cost. Ouch

    If somebody would ask me : "Would you buy a Pandora again, now, after 1 year of usage" I would say "HELL YEAH !" But I am exactly the type of person Alerino described up there : "retrogamer" and a bit of a "linux geek" It is so exciting to follow this comunity and its development. As long as...
  14. MrBazil2k

    Has *anybody* received a refund from OpenPandora Ltd (Craig's) in 2013?

    I bet there will always be a market for "retro-gaming-hardware". And since this software (e.g.: PSone games, Quake 1 - 2, etc., etc...) usually wont raise its hardware requirements anymore. ^^ Its an huge win-win situation for the Pandora some day. I guess this device is even selling itself...
  15. MrBazil2k

    official tv-out cables any info

    Holy Cow ! Thats some great news about official tv-out cables. @ED : I just figured out that "global components" linked your "OpenPandora: Protoype production in Germany"-youtube-video on their website =D Thats really awesome, that company is located almost around the corner for me =)
  16. MrBazil2k

    DragonBox Coding Competition - The results!

    Awesome work from ALL the coders ! Im still busy with testing all the releases out (due to the lack of time =P) And great job organizing such a nice competition @ ED Keep up the good work ALL !
  17. MrBazil2k

    Which sort of "filesystem" for SD-Cards do you recommend ?

    Thx for all the replies =D I guess Im going to stick with Fat32 for now then. Due to the point of compatibility. And since I m not experiencing any corrupt data or data loss with the 64 Gb SD Cards everything is fine.
  18. MrBazil2k

    Which sort of "filesystem" for SD-Cards do you recommend ?

    Humm... thank you all for your replies so far. Is there any difference about the reliability and speed of the different filesystems ? Lets say compared to Fat32 ? EDIT : Im wondering if somebody did any tests about this topic yet.