Hiho there,
you can change that through "Date and Time" =)
In "Desktop mode" you can find this option located under "Settings" after you entered the "Start Menu" (Pandora Button)
Mine is usually drifting away too btw. ^^
I recommend PCSX reARMed r19 for Tomb Raider 1 - 5 as well,
since the PC - DOS Version of Tomb Raider 1 already runs a bit slow through Qemu.
(Even in low res mode.)
- web browsing via Firefox (Emails, Boards, ... etc.)
- instant messaging via Pidgin (ICQ)
- mp3 listening via Audacious
- x86 emulating via Qemu for Pandora (Comanche, Dungeon Keeper, Command and Conquer ... etc.)
- psx emulation via PSXrearmed r19 (Tomb Raider 1 - 4; Need for Speed 3 - 4...
Oh well... just gave "Pursuit of Greed" a try within "Qemu for Pandora" (FreeDos1.0) at full detail.
It runs quite well. But you definitely need a 1 Ghz Pandora for that at a very high clockspeed of 1,25 Ghz
Just have a look at it :
EDIT : Removed the video due to its horrible quality and...
The reviews are great so far ! =D
It comes with a 96% Metascore at the moment.
They cut out a lot of stuff they have showed within the E3-trailers.
But its still a very good game. The test-videos are promising.
They say there are still a lot of questions unanswered at the end of the game...
I think its "Pursuit of Greed". (e.g.)
He mentioned that one in post no. 11
EDIT : @Solstar : Did you manage to get qemu running yet ?
Like Ingo already said before : Just feel free to ask if there are any questions. =)
Same problematic situation over here =D
But somehow Bioshock Infinite is a "must have played" title for me.
Especially since "Mr. Bubbles" protects our fridge =P
I have/had no idea about that ^^
All I can tell you is that the games that I m running within qemu are way more playable / experienced faster compared to the DosBox installations of the games.
As I have written above .. maybe that has to do something with the lack of knowledge how to set up...
To be honest Pickle ... I have not invested much time into optimizing DosBOX till now as well. =S.
Maybe I am wrong with my saying "its slower than Qemu" because of my lack of knowledge about it.
A huge plus point for DosBOX always was that you can just start right away with mounting /...
Ummm.. well, another solution is "Qemu for Pandora" to run DosGames.
Usually that works way faster than DosBOX.
At least that is what I have experienced with the games that I have tried.
EDIT : The only reason I have once used DosBOX was because "Armored Fist" (Nova Logic, 1994)
Hello there,
do not forget about "Audacious" as an music player as well. =)
That one has got the option to look like "XMMS" or "Winamp"
Thats the one I use for music playing on the Pandora at the moment.
This is such an difficult topic/discussion =S
Since CraigX doesnt offer any detailed information about his queue situation...
For me as an neutral outsider it looks like CraigX is cheating.
I think the one who knows best what to do is ED himself.
Humm... oh well thats sounds like an interesting offer.
I already have Bioshock 1 and 2 already tho. =S
Im curious about the stand-alone price for Bioshock-Infinite now ...
EDIT : what tha hell... the retail version is listed with 44 Euros ( = 37,59 £) on Amazon.de... cO
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