Search results

  1. MrBazil2k

    A bunch of new Qemu-Videos collected :

    Hollala... =D thx for posting this here Fusion_Power. Its the first time I ve heared about this project O.O I bet I would have missed that one without you =D Besides: Im just setting up the 600 Mhz Pandora at the moment. But until I have all the videos together for comparison, its going to...
  2. MrBazil2k

    DragonBox Coding Competition: Logo needed :)

    Wow, thats awesome !
  3. MrBazil2k

    A bunch of new Qemu-Videos collected :

    We live in a dollhouse... =D ... somehow we had to afford that 1Ghz Pandora you know ... naaaah Im just joking ;) =D Its about 2,20 Meters tall (thats 7,22 feet / 86,61 inches) ... I think ^^ Im not sure how much worth he really is. I have seen a couple of his brothers passing through ebay...
  4. MrBazil2k

    A bunch of new Qemu-Videos collected :

    :D I fell in love with that game, back those days. I just dont know how many hours I have spent with it.... but its quite a lot. And I still play it from time to time :P Our "Horned Reaper" always wishes me a "Good nite" in our bedroom :rolleyes...
  5. MrBazil2k

    A bunch of new Qemu-Videos collected :

    Its a 1 Ghz Pandora running from about 1.0 Ghz to 1,25 Ghz (You can see the clockspeed for each game used in the "end titles / credits" of the movie) But thats a good point o.O I will try testing the first half of the games mentioned in the video above on the 600 Mhz model as soon as I find...
  6. MrBazil2k

    A bunch of new Qemu-Videos collected :

    Yup, thats right the ones at the end arent really playable. They are far away from that. I just thought to give it a try, testing them out as well. Just to see what is possible right now. But at least they are starting = D Setting Qemu up with Freedos is quite simple by the way. So Comanche...
  7. MrBazil2k

    A bunch of new Qemu-Videos collected :

    Ello there folks, Qemu is somehow taking my breath away =D I have recorded a hand full of videos and put them togehter into one 20 min. movie. Some of those games run pretty well so far. Just check it out : Comache 1.0 Comanche 2.0 vs Werewolf C&C - Tiberiumconflict (SVGA) C&C - Red...
  8. MrBazil2k

    Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competition

    Re: Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competitio <r>Hey das wäre doch was für Ingo =P<br/> 3.11 er Disketten wären ja mal dabei =D<br/> <br/> Kann sogar sein dass es die ausschließlich so gab, kann mich so direkt auch nicht an eine CD Version mehr erinnern.<br/> <br/> Ah übrigens...
  9. MrBazil2k

    OpenRedAlert - Playability? What generations of C&C

    Ello there once more ^^, if you really want to know how Tiberian Sun incl. Firestorm ran on my Pandora with a cpu clock of 1,25 ghz have a look at this : Sound works great, no crackling or something... but the game ist just too slow to play as usual =D BUT at...
  10. MrBazil2k

    Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competition

    Re: Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competitio <t>Oha bei Win 3.11 muss ich passen.<br/> Das hatten wir zwar mal auf unserem Pentium 66 *lol*, aber wo das im Laufe der letzten 16 Jahre hingekommen ist.... gute Frage =S<br/> Unterhalb Win95 siehts bei mir im Moment schlecht aus =D</t>
  11. MrBazil2k

    Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competition

    Re: Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competitio <r>hach jah... da war die Welt noch in Ordnung <E>:-D</E> <br/> *lol*</r>
  12. MrBazil2k

    OpenRedAlert - Playability? What generations of C&C

    Ello there, just btw... I ve tried Tiberian Sun under Qemu and Win98SE once ^^ It ran and loaded really slow ... but it looked like 5 fps ... almost unplayable =P But: C&C Dos Version C&C Win95 Version (SVGA) Red Alert Dos Version Red Alert Win95 Version (SVGA) are running pretty good...
  13. MrBazil2k

    Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competition

    Re: Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competitio <r><B><s></s>Holladriho zusammen,<e></e></B> <E>^_^</E> <br/> <br/> habe da noch ein paar "interessante" Spiele auf der 1Ghz Pandora testen können :<br/> <br/> zB.: <B><s></s>Leisure Suit Larry 7<e></e></B> unter Win98SE <E>:O</E>...
  14. MrBazil2k

    Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competition

    Re: Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competitio <r><B><s></s>Humm...<e></e></B><br/> <br/> Das aufziehen von dem Win98SE Image ist eigentlich gar nicht so schwer.<br/> (Das machste nebenher auf nem normalen Desktop-PC und dem Qemu Manager)<br/> Geht relativ flott, da bootet die...
  15. MrBazil2k

    Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competition

    Re: Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competitio <r><B><s></s>Hiho ^^<e></e></B><br/> <br/> ja im Moment spiel ich gerade sehr viel rum mit der Pandora und Qemu. (Insofern ich mal Zeit finde ^^)<br/> Habe auch noch ein Win95 Image das an und für sich zwar schneller läuft als das...
  16. MrBazil2k

    Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competition

    Re: Qemu+Windows95+MSDOS+Spielevideos für Rebirth Competitio <r><B><s></s>Abend zusammen,<e></e></B><br/> <br/> Was auch noch ganz nett auf der Pandora (@1,1 Ghz) unter Qemu mit Win98SE läuft :<br/> <br/> <br/> <B><s></s>Myth - The Fallen Lords<e></e></B> (zu Deutsch: <B><s></s>Kreuzzug ins...
  17. MrBazil2k

    1GHz units, Classic units, repairs and TV-Out Cables (2012-08-24)

    what I am just wondering about : How many people are still left on this preorder list / queue at all ? I am quite new to this comunity (I guess since march 2012), so I do not really know any numbers. Hopefully everyone gets his or her unit some day. =S
  18. MrBazil2k

    Test-Run of the 1GHz Pandoras happens today (2012-07-05)

    Hopefully yours will arrive soon too =D Wish you guys good luck ! Mine runs below 5% power right now... *someone give me a power plug connector in the middle of the garden... right now !!!* Bye bye =)
  19. MrBazil2k

    Test-Run of the 1GHz Pandoras happens today (2012-07-05)

    just btw. : Didnt get an email either (only the UPS delivery notification or whatever it is called)