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  1. D

    A List Of Actual Planned Projects

    That's probably the route I'm going to go. I tried to make the game as port-friendly as possible, so it shouldn't be a huge deal to port to Linux. Famous last words.... :D
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    Firmware 4.1.0 For F200 And F100 Is Out

    It looks like Mame is finally working for me on my F200 after flashing it to v4.1.0, although it seems to take a long time to load the game list for some reason. I just bought the F200 a week ago, since a friend at work wants to buy my old f100 Mk2. It came with Firmware 4.0.2, and touchscreen...
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    A List Of Actual Planned Projects

    With OpenGL ES hardware support, I could pretty easily port Brickout over to the Pandora. Brickout Brickout video on Youtube Ignore the choppiness in that video---I couldn't get fraps to record good videos of any OpenGL-based apps. I should be able to maintain compatibility between the win32...
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    Pandora Torque Game Engine On Pandora

    The Torque 2D (Torque Game Builder) engine could possibly be ported, but you would have to get the blessing of Garage Games if you ever intended to release any games that used it---this is directly from their TGB Pro EULA: (h) Licensee may not release Games intended for operation on Game...
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    Experimental Sdhc Support For Gp2x

    Newegg has a class 6 Patriot 16gb SD card for $139 US at the moment: Patriot 16gb SDHC card at Newegg I've been using a non-sdhc Patriot 4gb card for over a year with no issues with storage or firmware flashing, so hopefully this card will work as well.
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    I tried Worms Armageddon, and it's incredibly slow for a 2d game under psx4all---4-6 fps---It was basically unplayable. Interlace might help, but you're not going to be able to see your worms when they move.
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    I'm getting the same thing. I still have a copy of Resident Evil 1(the original in the huge box). I'll have to see how that works.
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Well, I ripped out a few more games. Blasto is actually very disappointing. Worm Armageddon was also way too slow. GTA 1 shows a lot of potential, and The Need For Speed 2 is a slideshow. NFS 2 also crashed when I tried to use Progressive Scan and Interlace 1. I did find one game that is...
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    I've noticed that if you select mono sound (in games that support it), you get a slight speedup with sound turned on. Contra Adventures gained a little bit of speed this way. Turning music off on other games seems to make a difference as well. Parappa did surprisingly well--it's not playable...
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Oohhhh, Twisted Metal 2 is getting very close to being playable. The menus appear to run at full speed, and the intro videos are getting close. In game, I'm seeing 7-8fps. But, if you crank up a challenge match in Holland(the board with the least demanding requirements), it's pretty playable...
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    I'll fire up Discworld 2 when I get home and see how it goes.
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    Notes2x Wip Text Editor

    I was working on something along similar lines, until my job started really kicking my ass again. :D My oddball virtual keyboard idea I was using a different layout. Instead of the abcdefg format, I was grouping letters by frequency. It's nice to see that someone else was working in the...
  13. D Closing?

    "I havent unbricked yet because 1) I cant find a 25 pin straight thru cable in my house (shame on me) " 25-pin straight-wired male-male parallel cable Allegedly, this is Linux-compatible JTAG software. I've never used it, so I can't give you any opinions on it: jtag-o-mat Ask and ye shall...
  14. D Closing?

    So, I headed over to to see about ordering a gp2x for my brother, and it looks like they're closing this week. I guess that means that the only options for getting a gp2x in the US are lik-sang and playasia. Given the choice between the two, who has better service and support?
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    Whats The Negatives About The Tv-out Cable?

    I got one of the old cables around the same time, and it doesn't work at all. If I had known that there was a new cable coming out, I might have waited. <_<
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    Battery Charging: Does It Charge Fully?

    I'm using one of these, and I'm loving it: La Crosse BC-900 battery charger When I was first searching for high-capacity batteries for the gp2x, I found a review of this charger at a photography site. Apparently, it's important for all of the batteries in a flash bank to have around the same...
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    Bob For Reflashing

    It connects the BoB to the parallel port on your computer. Actually, I linked the wrong cable. This is the correct one: Straight-Wired db25male to db25male You connect the bob to your pc via the cable above, and then you run GPH's JTAG software on the pc. The bob itself has a cable which...
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    Bob For Reflashing

    When in doubt, hit Redmond Cable. :) Edit: ---See my next post for the correct cable--- They also make custom-built cables, if you ever need anything really weird.
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    The Official Best Deals Topic

    Patriot 4gb SD for $87.99 ($72.99 after mail-in rebate) I have had no problems with this card. I haven't had to flash my gp2x yet, so I don't know if it works for that. But, for 4gb of storage it's great. The card worked fine straight out of the packaging, but I formatted it as Fat32 before I...
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    Virtual Keyboard, Revisited.

    I'm working on a different virtual keyboard system right now that (in theory) should be very fast. I'm interested in creating a virtual keyboard frontend for bash. Excuse the following crappy diagram, but I am at work right now---this is the best I could do in a short amount of time without...