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  1. whiskthecat

    A Question For Craigix

    I ran xp on my 266Mhz Pentium MMX, 32MB Toshiba laptop.
  2. whiskthecat

    New Led Light In Render On

    Speaking of all this pandora+car goodness make me think about this.
  3. whiskthecat

    Pandora Keyboard

    Yes, I can imagine myself typing up a paper for school, right before it's due, using the pandora.
  4. whiskthecat

    Pandora Camera On The Pandora - Why Not?

    That would be pretty cool. Just plug that camera into the back usb port, open the screen all of the way and have the camera send what it sees and just press the right shoulder button to take the picture.
  5. whiskthecat

    New Led Light In Render On

    Can someone make a complete list of all the applications for bluetooth? I'm curious to know.
  6. whiskthecat

    Mystic Quest

    Yea, forgot about that whole search function. :D Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I just want to play mystic quest. Oops, accidental bump. Man, I just fail today.
  7. whiskthecat

    Another Gui Idea...

    Maybe we just have dirty minds but, I was seeing the innuendo also. :lol:
  8. whiskthecat

    What Does Seem To You?...

    The blue LED's on the wiimote bother me immensely when I play with the lights off; so no.
  9. whiskthecat

    Sound Quality?

    Gp2x's sounds quality was crap. I wanted to use it as an mp3 player, but my ears started bleeding. Hope pandora gets it right, I'm sure it will.
  10. whiskthecat

    Videos Of Psx4pandora

    Don't forget that most point and shoot still cameras have pretty decent video modes these days. Good enough for youtube anyway, and cheap.
  11. whiskthecat

    Will You Call Off Of Work When Your Pandora Comes?

    I'm taking it to school. :pandora1:
  12. whiskthecat

    Gmu 0.6.1 Released

    Nice work, that skin reminds me of my foobar2000 setup. :D
  13. whiskthecat

    Videos Of Psx4pandora

    Who ever doubted that? :D
  14. whiskthecat

    New Video On Blog Update!

    So atomicthumbs, how long have you been waiting to say that? :D
  15. whiskthecat

    Videos Of Psx4pandora

    Great work Zodttd
  16. whiskthecat

    Really Good & Really Crazy Ideas

    2 16gb SD cards should hold all my movies and games.
  17. whiskthecat

    How Sturdy Is The Pandora?

    Unfortunately, I will probably be the first to find out, I plan on pre-ordering and I'm pretty clumsy, so I'll let you know. :D
  18. whiskthecat

    Frets On Fire

    Beat2x is way better than frets on fire. :D
  19. whiskthecat

    Pandora Wow Factor.

    Well if 64 is playable that should be enough wow factor.
  20. whiskthecat

    Pandora 3d Model
