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    GP2X How To Write An Exception Handler

    you need to install a signal hander for SIGSEGV (NULL pointer) and SIGFPE (divide by 0). see
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    Yeti3d Engine Mystery - Reward Offered

    Belongs to: Mangelsdorf, DL 37 Wilpena Street EDEN HILLS, SA So probably not. The other number you gave doesn't appear to exist :/
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    Mass Zipping

    for file in *; do zip -m $ $file; done
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    Sdl Games

    Basically you have to fix the screen resolution and modify the control stuff to use the GP2X's funky joystick implementation. You might also have to modify where it saves data files and high score tables. Get a copy of devkit2x or some other compiler, and a set of libraries that satisfy the...
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    Big Or Little Endian?

    It means that the gp2x, (and x86) store 1234 as 4 3 2 1. This is little endian or Least-Significant Byte First. Others such as sparc and power store it as 1 2 3 4, big endian, or most significant byte first. It doesn't really matter as long as they live in their own little worlds. The problem...
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    GP2X [rant] Why Isn't Gph Embracing The Dev Community?

    Yeah, you're right. The pre-released stuff I had just used busybox's ash, but the retail units are definitely using bash. -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 563888 Sep 30 2005 bash lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Oct 5 2005 sh -> bash lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0...
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    Splitting An 8bit Variable Into Two 4bit.

    struct twopixels { unsigned first:4; unsigned second:4; };
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    GP2X Is Python A Good Language To Learn For Gp2x Dev?

    Without Lua and the Lau SDL bindings ported to the gp2x (not that it would be hard), it's not really a valid option yet.
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    Alternative Power?

    The battery input seems to be fairly tolerant of a range of voltages, at least according to Of course it's possible to power it off a solar cell, but probably not one you could fit on your hat :) (at least without looking a bit silly)
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    Alternative Power?

    No kidding. My point was that giving currents without specifying the voltage is kind of pointless.
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    Alternative Power?

    Its not the amps its the power sillies, you'd need around 2.5 watts at the minimum end of things, 5 to be safe (so a passing cloud doesn't ruin your day). Depending on materials you're looking at about a square foot (12"x12") of solar cell. Have fun :) Hell, why don't you power it off trees.
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    Compile Help

    sorry, it looks like your TTF library isn't compatible with the compiler you are using, try maybe.
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    Compile Help

    add -msoft-float to your arm-linux-g++
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    GP2X [rant] Why Isn't Gph Embracing The Dev Community?

    gnu bash isn't on the gp2x, it uses busybox's sh.
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    Port Vlc

    I've got the cvs version of mplayer running (crawling?) along at around 1fps in pure software, but it does support mp4, mkv and ogm containers. There were no changes to the source needed to get it to run in framebuffer mode, but their SDL's yuv mode seems to be cactus. A new vo layer that uses...
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    Pdfview Beta 4

    Actually I just zipped the directory off my SD card, no idea how those got there :blink: Fixed now, ta.
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    Pdfview Beta 4

    Hi all, It's about time for an official release of pdfview, the PDF Viewer for your GP2X. It's still pretty rough around the edges at this stage and the rendering is pretty slow, but it does let you almost any PDF on your GP2X. Here's the readme: A simple PDF viewer based on the poppler...
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    E-book Voice Reader

    Should be possible, check this out:
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    GP2X Programming
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    Power Supply
