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  1. Q

    Java, Flash, .net Games For Pandora?

    QUOTE Java is very important because of cell phone games and might become more important with Android/Dalvik. Any idea what it would take to get cell phone Java games and Android Java games running on the Pandora? Would simply porting Dalvik be enough for most stuff? For those of you who...
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    Pandora Possible Alt. Browser For Pandora?

    I think it would be fairly easy to port, although dillo lacks a lot of the features which other browsers have, including javascript, flash, etc. although it is a lot faster.
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    The port request topic

    Is a port of Rosegarden possible? It is an open source midi music editor for Linux. Here's a screenshot:
  4. Q

    Should The Pandora Become An Ubuntu Partner?

    I would much rather stick with Angstrom rather than a full blown Ubuntu as it is lightweight and faster. I don't hate Ubuntu but it is bloated and I don't really think it works well with the Pandora's specs. A full desktop system would be great but Ubuntu would not be ideal.
  5. Q

    Should I get a Pandora?

    No, you shouldn't forget the Pandora :) . The Pandora was built upon the same concept as the Gp2x. If you can code and contribute, great, but if you can't, well, you don't have to. There already is a site set up for files to download here:
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    How Do I Make Decent Non Aa Tile Bitmaps In Gimp?

    QUOTE qwerty, I tried setting the contrast, but it just washes out everything then I can't get it back to how it was. So I assume you mean on the single colour pink background layer rather than the combined image. What I mean was that if you have a b/w image, raising the contrast removes AA...
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    Hmmm Should I Quit C++ To Learn Python?

    QUOTE I prefer C++ but give Python a try, there is no one true programming language, try both and see what you prefer. I object, asm (or binary) is the one true programming language IMHO ;) . Personally I think that if you already know C++ then it probably would be a better idea to use it...
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    Open-source Games That You Like?

    Has Enigma been mentioned yet? This is simple enough 2d action/puzzle game and if I'm not mistaken already has a (slow) Gp2x port. It would work great with analog nub controls.
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    How Do I Make Decent Non Aa Tile Bitmaps In Gimp?

    What I do to get rid of antialiasing in Gimp as a quick fix is to simply raise the contrast to max and then refill what was supposed to be transparent (without again re-adding antialiasing of course ;) ).
  10. Q

    Online Rpg For Pandora

    QUOTE 4. they use a prebuilt engine FTW :lol:
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    Codeweaver's Crossover Free For A Day

    QUOTE Cool, what do they mean "fully unlocked builds"? No serial number? I guess so. I installed it on my bro's comp (I don't use Linux often) and it never asked for a serial. Maybe the serial is for support?
  12. Q

    Codeweaver's Crossover Free For A Day is offering their CrossOver software for free just for today. This program allows Windows apps to be run on Mac and Linux.
  13. Q

    Will Pandora feel more like a Netbook or PDA/Mobile to you?

    I haven't used really either a netbook or a PDA/Mobile, but being the same size as my DS (phat), I think it will have a similar feel, like that of a PDA. However, because of the screen resolution and keyboard, it will probably be something in between a netbook and PDA.
  14. Q

    Interest in Giant emu frontends?

    This I think is a good idea and has actually been done with the game boy emulator for the GP2x (at least the screenshot for savestate part). I don't really like the idea of a giant zipfile taking up extra space :( . I'd rather have no screenshots and 300mb more space on my card. There was...
  15. Q

    Something amusing: Xbox on your GP2X

    I'll laugh when a real n64 emulator comes out :P .
  16. Q

    Pandora Emulator Features ?

    QUOTE I think you have been a little bit too optomistic with that list of features; do you realise how difficult it would be to implement all of that into an emulator? Most of the emulators you use on PC have been in production for around a decade, with a large base of programmers working on...
  17. Q

    Pandora Emulator Features ?

    What we need is a full blown Snes9x (or ZSNES, though unlikely) port. This would have save states, netplay, video recording, fast forward, etc. The current Gp2x emulator doesn't have half of these, although it is a weaker system.
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    new firefox for mobile devices, looks awesome

    What's wrong with Gecko? It works, doesn't it? Sure it has its limitations, but is WebKit really all that better?
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    Skyfire Mobile Browser

    I'd rather just see a VNC port, or even better, Firefox with flash support.
  20. Q

    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    QUOTE You're just jealous cause he can make pretty shapes with numbers Lol, I can code a Mandelbrot set :P . Anyways, for now you could just use Sage math online for your computational needs.