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  1. Stephane Hockenhull

    Pandora outdated?

    +1 on the BB I'm down to 50~60% cpu usage (as long as no chunks are updated), but ~30fps: GPU is chocking on the workload. zooming out (more geometry) or zooming in doesn't change the framerate, it gets balanced out by the mipmap resolution going up/down == using the same memory bandwidth...
  2. Stephane Hockenhull

    Pandora outdated?

    I could really use a dual-core in my game, the audio decompression and mixer runs on separate threads. and I'm moving the chunk packing, unpacking and geometry generator code to be multi-threaded as well (just finished changing the VBO code to be lock-free thread-safe). on the memory side...
  3. Stephane Hockenhull

    What games did you play last night?

    lol, I read that as 5360 games ... O.O even at a bargain $30 each, that would have been over $150,000
  4. Stephane Hockenhull

    Let's post pictures of ourselves.

    LOL, yeah, I've been told a few times. what ? how ? I'm confused now .... oh ... I see what you did.
  5. Stephane Hockenhull

    Donating my Pandora to Waitlisted Developer

    hrm, slightly used CC-made board with 256MB now or brand new germany-made board with 512MB later ? I'm up for the exchange. but I can test my game using the BB and volunteers so I'm good, my vote goes to Cloudef if he wants to do the exchange.
  6. Stephane Hockenhull

    2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)

    I'll consider paying the balance to "premium" if you can guarantee it being shipped within three days after payment.
  7. Stephane Hockenhull

    Don't Panic! games cannot use even 256MB of ram.

    the bandwidth will limit the amount of memory you can access per frame, which in turn limits the size of textures, geometry data, and the data working set. everything else is just data that is waiting to be used eventually (the rest of the level, sounds/music that aren't being played right...
  8. Stephane Hockenhull

    Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)

    I agree, but I'm sure there will be another compo. another solution is to order a BeagleBoard, install the ubuntu image and 3d drivers, get the Pandora dev package and run the executable on the BeagleBoard. I finally got that solution working :P the BB seem able to run Pandora apps and...
  9. Stephane Hockenhull

    First generation games for OpenPandora?

    the Jaguar was a major pain in the ass to code for, that's why no developers wanted to work on it. the machine's hardware was buggy and limited, it had too many different CPUs, the SDK was crap. the work involved to develop a title for it wasn't worth it. that's why.
  10. Stephane Hockenhull

    Which one do you want first? (+video)

    yeah, like I said, its possible to combine all those game plays into one open sandbox game even tho it'd be a lot of work and hard to make all aspects as fun as they could be. the difference I'd see between the quest game and the digging/mining game is the main game play focus, quest would be...
  11. Stephane Hockenhull

    Which one do you want first? (+video)

    added a 4th option (you can delete your vote and vote again for another choice) there's still lots of time, I can't resume on it until Friday night.
  12. Stephane Hockenhull

    Which one do you want first? (+video)

    its ... ... yah. on one hand its not helping me pick one at all, on the other hand its hilarious. I'm thinking its possible to combine all 3 options in one and make it good, but definitely not implement all that at the same time :P anyone got a cloning machine ? I tried the old...
  13. Stephane Hockenhull

    Which one do you want first? (+video)

    to put things in perspective, according to the wikis: minecraft started May 10, 2009 dwarf fortress started 8th of August 2006 I really doubt It'll be completed by the compo deadline :P , 9 weekends isn't a lot of time but I can probably get it to the point where it starts to be fun to...
  14. Stephane Hockenhull

    Which one do you want first? (+video)

    EDIT: I've added an RTS option EDIT: video I got my 3D engine to the point where I should start making a game with it. then I found out about the competition like you guys (Buh? Whaaaaaat? ) so I got the cross-compiling to ARM...
  15. Stephane Hockenhull

    Release I need the xml from this joystick map test please

    its a bit odd to have to poll 4 separate devices to get all the key+nub events, not the most CPU-efficient either.
  16. Stephane Hockenhull

    Release I need the xml from this joystick map test please

    thanks a lot. <hardware name="nub0" port_index="0" port="event3"> <game name="" port_index="" > <map src="JGAME_AXIS_X:0" dst="" /> <map src="JGAME_AXIS_Y:0" dst="" /> </game> </hardware> <hardware name="nub1" port_index="0" port="event4"> <game name="" port_index="" >...
  17. Stephane Hockenhull

    Release I need the xml from this joystick map test please

    I'd need the info from the gaming controls in joystick mode, not keyboard/mouse mode.
  18. Stephane Hockenhull

    Release I need the xml from this joystick map test please

    this is a small joystick/input mapping test app, I need the joystick_dump.xml file from a pandora that's dumped in the current folder when you press the [write] button if someone can post it. it lists all the accessible /dev/input/event* its to make the a default key/joystick mapping...
  19. Stephane Hockenhull

    Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)

    what happens if there's a crashing bug ? it might be crashing on some user's machines but not on the "selected beta tester(s)" machine(s) due to some magical interaction between installed package/lib :P could we have a 1 week of public beta prior to the deadline and the voting ? (or...