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  1. K

    Smach Z will pose some serious competition to the Pyra

  2. K

    Heavy Metal

    May be you can resell Pyras or it's accessories covered or encapsulated inside a chocolate egg. Imagine buying SD cards that way? is not a bad idea.
  3. K

    Heavy Metal

    are you 100% certain? P.S: I'm really loving all these development updates! they're quite exciting! thanks ED!
  4. K

    Heavy Metal

    ED, didn't mention anything about all that milk, what's it for? :P
  5. K

    SteamBoy : Play STeam games on the go

    True that! ...Don't forget to put hot girls in the background!
  6. K

    Have you tried this? Speed Run Super Mario World Glitch

        Well that kind of makes sense to me :P  ...the floor in mexico city is actually sinking hahaha, the city was built over a huge lake! and since they are extracting water and oil from it, the city has bagun to sink. But I have never seen anyone sit backwards on benches LOL.
  7. K

    Have you tried this? Speed Run Super Mario World Glitch

    Sorry, no it isn't  haha, it's just a random video I found.
  8. K

    SteamBoy : Play STeam games on the go I'm speechless...
  9. K

    Nothing to show, but a lot happened.

      The labes for the ports would be located on the base of the Pyra, aligned with each respective port/jack (obviously) So only those who need or want to notice them, will notice them.
  10. K

    Nothing to show, but a lot happened.

      Yep, my idea wasn't aimed primarily to be an aid for blind people, that came latter.    I first thought about adding textures to the shoulder buttons because concidering the little space we have for them, we are gonna get little shoulder ones compared to the ones from a home console...
  11. K

    Nothing to show, but a lot happened.

       A good idea would be to add different textures to the L2 & R2 buttons, If pososible, you could label them using braille letters. You could also label some of the ports in the same way. That would be nice for those who can't see and it would make it look a little more interesting.        ...
  12. K

    Have you tried this? Speed Run Super Mario World Glitch

       I  found one in Mortal Kombat Ultimate for SNES. (I still undust my super NES from time to time) Well I was playing as Sub-zero against my friend who was using scorpion, if im not mistaken. So, I froze him in the air and gave him an upper cut and when he unfroze he couln't move but I coulnt...
  13. K

    Have you tried this? Speed Run Super Mario World Glitch

    ohh boy! what have I just watched!!? whomever made that deserves an award of some kind! very fun!
  14. K

    Have you tried this? Speed Run Super Mario World Glitch

    Just fot fun... How come people find this kind of glitches?   Have you ever found any?    What's the weirdest thing you've experienced, seen or heard in relation to...
  15. K

    Pyra Release date - Make your Guess here.

       Preorders will start on October the 18th of 2014, Developers "the chosen ones" will get theirs first  ...on December 25th, they will ship the signed or special edition Pyra "early birds" and finally, on January the 2nd, the normal but still awesome ones will ship.                    ...two...
  16. K

    Got displays, looking for keymats

    It would be nice if each pair has different textures.
  17. K

    The Pyra-Logo

    Congrats! Faeminx!! you did an excellent job! the logo you provided still has an interesting look. It was not my favorite but I'll get used to it :) and I'm sure the others will too, it's a good one!
  18. K

    Final Logo Poll

    number 2, I believe in you!!
  19. K

    Final Logo Poll

    There is something I would like to know... are we choosing the logo for the company or for the device only, because if they are planning on making future devises after the Pyra, then I don't see why the logo needs to be directly related to the name "Pyra", or are  they going to name the future...