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  1. El Jefe

    Nokia N900 Or Openpandora

    get an e71. stuff is so cache. snaxiest phone out there imo, does wads of stuff, got mine for 150$ on craigslist.
  2. El Jefe

    Fully Assembled Production Samples

    edited out edit: wait, we don't want to murder his photobucket account right? lemme host on imgur, one sec edited in:
  3. El Jefe

    Fellow Pre-Orderers: Reveal Yourselves

    takes a bitch ass long time. I made about a square foot, and it took at least 5-10 hours. I also made a nice hefty cube which took like 7 hours. its cool, try it
  4. El Jefe

    Fellow Pre-Orderers: Reveal Yourselves

    Failed wall flip attempt(good spotter is good):
  5. El Jefe

    New Pictarss

    Dunno if this has been poasted before, but its easy enough to delete topics I guess: edit: this is from fatih's twitter
  6. El Jefe

    The Desktop

    Is that you? boten...? boten anna?
  7. El Jefe

    Pandora Wi-Fi On 350kilobytes/s

    godammit, shitty aging US infrastructure....
  8. El Jefe

    Nokia N900 Cpu Overclocked To 1Ghz

    I want my baby back baby back baby back ribbbbbss
  9. El Jefe

    Ps3 Controller With Pandora

    I don't think you can expect rumble to work on any controllers though, as rumble needs extra drivers.
  10. El Jefe

    Today Is A Great Day!(Hopefully)

    11:55 here on west coast us... edit: saw gruso's post, is that a courier in england? or still in china?
  11. El Jefe


    whats that? portal 2 on pandora?! YESSSSSSS
  12. El Jefe

    Movie "shorts" Has Pandora Logo

    Shit guys, the borg stole our logo...
  13. El Jefe

    Open Pandora Domainname / Url Inconsistencies

    as long as its not, I think its fine...
  14. El Jefe

    Pandora For Downloading?

    A transmission binary for ARM is already in the Angstrom repo. I've got my eyes on that one....
  15. El Jefe

    When The Pandora Cums

    theo nly way to make up is... CADBURY CARAMEL CHOCOLATE STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE!! ^^^^^pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaseeeeeee
  16. El Jefe

    Small Pandora News Item In This Month's Linux Format

    THATS IT! gruso is a startup console bad luck god. ITS ALL HIS FAULT
  17. El Jefe

    Closest Pandora Competitor

    e-ink is great for book type stuff, but this isn't e-ink, its a screen thats able to utilize reflected light much better than normal lcds, much like e-ink, but without having a shitty refresh rate. So you can use it effectively(reading books or general computing) without the backlight = hella...
  18. El Jefe

    Closest Pandora Competitor

    shit son, I need one of dem things, I've been holding off for a color e-ink, but this looks like a perfect compromise....
  19. El Jefe

    Spoke To The Factory

    whuts dat? funny image time? good thing my site has shitloads of em.
  20. El Jefe

    The Cases Are Fine: Ship!

    The airport card is near the battery, the antennas for all wireless connections are under the screen in that plastic area, the airport card just plugs into the antenna. There is no danger from an antenna heating up... I've got an E71 as well, pimpin phone, but the case is not solid steel. The...