Search results

  1. El Jefe

    Pandora Softcase

    Step 1: stop being an uncreative tool. Step 2: find two pieces of cloth, guess the size step 3: this gets tricky, you need to... sew... duct tape... glue... doesnt matter, just secure the pieces together on three sides. step 4: ???? step 5: PROFIT PROTIP: if you can't pull this one off, learn...
  2. El Jefe

    Countdown To Production Unit Showcase 7 Day(S)

    oo, I'm good at epic (illegal) soundtracks!
  3. El Jefe

    Countdown To Production Unit Showcase 7 Day(S)

    "Prototype"?!? we've been seeing prototypes for like 8 months dawg.
  4. El Jefe

    Wikipandora Project

    problem is, none of them include pictures I believe, as wikipedia doesnt allow crawling of their media.
  5. El Jefe

    Pandora Pandora Panic

    GAH, with lots of help from a friend, I got really close to getting it compiled, but I ran afowl of 64/32 bit stuff. I compiled all the dependencies in 64 bit, but when I try to compile the program, it gives me an error after compiling all the individual files correctly. we are attributing this...
  6. El Jefe

    The Case Of The Case.

    Instead, you choose to bump it to the top so I can't ignore it. thanks. oh wait-
  7. El Jefe

    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Mk, Im sorta getting somewhere in compiling this in xcode... Heres the situation: I've installed all the libraries: sdl, sdl image, ttf, gfx, mixer, and I think I've linked them to the project correctly I imported all the files in the configuration: I took everything from the pandora panic...
  8. El Jefe

    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Just wondering, has anyone successfully gotten this compiled on mac? any tips for compiling in xcode? I was trying to compile in codeblocks for mac, but I'm not entirely comfortable in codeblocks, and I'd rather use Xcode. Also, the CodeBlocks file doesn't have a build target for mac, and when I...
  9. El Jefe

    Arduino Gui Porting To Openpandora - Possible? Help?

    ^^ you didn't bash the usb hard enough
  10. El Jefe

    Pandora Pandora Panic

    How about a game where the user tries to fail at minesweeper within the time limit? I'm assuming touch screen isn't an option yet, (not like I would know how to implement it), so controls would be d-pad + a (I'm just trying to think of games that would be simple enough for me to code...) edit...
  11. El Jefe

    Pandora Pandora Panic

    Would a game in which the user performs a random street fighter combo, resulting in a winning move, be too boring for a game? like... hadouken: down, down+forward, forward, A also, would the use of street fighter sprites be illegal/not appropriate for this community game?
  12. El Jefe

    Where Next

    ^^ disappointed kid on christmas alert edit: shit, thats what I get for being too lazy to quote
  13. El Jefe

    Big Update From Ed

    oh man, for like 2 days there, aesir was causing a total shit-storm. he posted like assloads of comments that were either a) poorly informed Bee) didn't help at all c) asked a really fucktarded question but he somehow managed to maintain a totally innocent attitude when people called him out...
  14. El Jefe

    Big Update From Ed

    spelt 1 chiefly Brit. past and past participle of spell 1 . Psh, this here forumz a 'merican one, we don't use none pansy british stuff! Everyone's got time to be a dick on the internet. Everyone's got the power. Everyone has the lack of consequence. But not everyone has the creativity to...
  15. El Jefe

    Arduino Gui Porting To Openpandora - Possible? Help?

    They would be similar to code for I guess, as they are both ARM devices... but keep in mind... smartQ's aren't available outside of asia, so you have to import Also, if you are actually modifying code before loading it onto the arduino, you might want a physical keyboard...
  16. El Jefe

    I Think I've Went Insane.

    yeah, these are a little lost on me, the first I would have had would be... the Panboy advance.
  17. El Jefe

    Where Next

    I'm skeptical the Pandora will ever reach full speed on my all-time favorite game, Zelda Ocarina of Time, but I'd love that to happen! So thats my pinnacle.
  18. El Jefe

    Arduino Gui Porting To Openpandora - Possible? Help?

    Nope. Which is why devs are so anxious to get their mitts on the actual thing.
  19. El Jefe

    Since The Pandora Can Run Quake 3 Quite Well It Seems...

    itt: gary being butthurt again over that time I called him out on being a dumbass on his second post or something
  20. El Jefe

    Arduino Gui Porting To Openpandora - Possible? Help?

    actually no attempt at humor was made in my first comment and it would appear as if your comment was just as unhelpful as mine