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  1. El Jefe

    I Was Told To Shut Up In One Topic.

    Holy shit mom, this dude came out of the internet, and insulted me! insulted ME?!? Who does he think he is. Someone call the internet police, that hooligan needs to be pulled in.
  2. El Jefe

    Finished Case Photo!

    thx for teh environment, gramps.
  3. El Jefe

    Screws Poll

    Oh come you guys are lame. Everyone has hex lying around. I've got like 5 full sets for some reason. And it looks less retarded than phillips or flathead. Don't have a single torx though.
  4. El Jefe

    Finished Case Photo!

    christmas came early. thats right, even christmas can't hold out long while in the presence of this, and his CineScreen monitor knows all about it.
  5. El Jefe

    Native N64 Emulation On The Iphone

    Comes from Ari64"s port of mupen, for pandora
  6. El Jefe

    Appstore Look

    what kind of database are you using to store the applications? a bunch of xml files, sorted by category?
  7. El Jefe

    Appstore Look

    Why not keep the html + css + javascript files local, and only get the xml files from teh intarwebs? right, cuz then it wouldnt work anywhere else... but I guess you could also keep a copy online, for access on devices other than pandora.
  8. El Jefe

    Appstore Look

    Here is mine: Its really early, but I only just figured out how to implement the drilldown in browser, so it won't take long for me to fix it up to a much nicer version I made it in dashcode, I will add a bar at the top with a home screen button for a "featured"...
  9. El Jefe

    What Would/did You Do For A Pandora?

    I bought some poor sap's hair and plasma on ebay, then turned it around with 500% markup. hah, what a sucker Oh yeah.
  10. El Jefe

    What Should The Pandora App Store Be Named?

    App Mart? *Pandora's Rectangular Solid? **Vapor? Bazaar? Vendora? * Mandatory que to rofl ** cwhutididthar? + * hint: valve
  11. El Jefe

    Why Are .pnd Files Not .box Files?

    You sir, are going love that on 4.3" screen, while looking at a list, which happens irrationally full of those damned conformist three letter extensions. --;
  12. El Jefe

    What Should The Pandora App Store Be Named?

    herpus derpus whuhaboot "abierto" teh spanush word for opun.
  13. El Jefe

    Battery Charge Time

    depends on how much you want the battery to explode
  14. El Jefe

    Are You Likely To Mod Your Pandora

  15. El Jefe

    Where Do You Want Apps To Show Up By Default? Menu Or Desktop?

    What you are about to read is the be all end all of this issue: Make like win XP OH YEAH 1. insert card 2. click through a few bubbles that pop up to tell you that you inserted a card 3. open start menu 4. click my computer 5. find the correct disk 6. open it, and find its applications folder 7...
  16. El Jefe

    Are You Likely To Mod Your Pandora

    Arright, I just gave the tablet mod idea a bit of thought, and here are said thoughts: One of the qualms people had in that forum post mali linked to is that the cable wouldn't handle the twisting necessary... After viewing the case assembly video, which shows extensive footage of the hinge and...
  17. El Jefe

    200Mw / 500Mw Lasers... Burn!

    Makes me rage. Deal extreme, which has the most powerful lasers, only uses paypal which follows US law in not allowing the purchase of lasers over 5 mW or something. However, the laser in the video, i believe, can be purchased from...
  18. El Jefe

    Uk Bitorrenting

    So, let me get this straight: a. The way this works is, some company somewhere knows its wares, be them music, video, software, are being pirated over bittorrent. b. They hire people to score ip's of people downloading their wares over bittorrent. c. They press charges against the ip's. d. They...
  19. El Jefe

    Are You Likely To Mod Your Pandora

    Protip: usb doesn't suck. Its fast enough to stream 800X480 video, which is probably the highest throughput that is actually application-critical. So, if you have an irrational desire to cart your BSG seasons, Firefly, and Star Trek (OS + TNG), it could be party cool.