Search results

  1. F

    How Do I Convert Iso/mp3 To Bin/cue?

    Damn, as good of a solution that is, it still sounds hilarious to me- Alcohol 120%- Hey, look windows, a shiny new disk drive! And it's got something in it! Windows- Oh cool, let me set that up for you. There. Windows- Hey, Nero, the user needs you! Alcohol 120%- Wait, what? Nero- Sure! I'll...
  2. F

    Opening Pandora Screen?

    Hold on! First off, the screen should not be opened unless you are pretty much an expert when it comes to dealing with delicate hardware. Secondly I recall either Craig or ED advising someone else that if the particle is actually under the screen then it is a defect _within_ the screen (and not...
  3. F


    VLC will play videos at pretty much any resolution and stretch them to the right size for you, so long as it isn't at or above HD. The size of the video doesn't matter to VLC. However, you should know that the Pandora's DSP is not currently used, so the Pandora has to play videos strictly...
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    Ps1 Lightgun

    Personally, I think this should be entirely possible. I mean, they're the same type of input. It's not like we're facing that Amiga problem with relational movement. Of course, that doesn't make it easy. Or guarantee that someone will want to make it. Still, I would personally love this.
  5. F

    Release Hotfix 5 - Rc2. Last One Before Going Final

    This may not be very helpful as feedback (as I don't have my Pandy yet) but I just wanted to thank you, and all of the other devs, for continuing to improve the Pandora's OS.
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    Cave Story Pnd

    One of the best ideas I've heard in ages.
  7. F

    My Advance Wars Game

    He's still working on it, he just hasn't updated this thread in a while. Here, check out this thread, he explains where the game is at right now.
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    Formatting 64Gb Fat32 Partitions

    I don't know if it supports 64GB cards, but I still recommend the official SD Formatter (AKA the "Panasonic SD Formatter") designed by the SD Association specifically for SD cards. It actually works wonders. I mean, I've personally have cards double in read and write speeds after a formatting...
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    Assault Cube

    Oh god. I take a break from the forums for a few months (highly recommended by the way, completely relieves the tension) and the first thing I see when I get back is a post from myself that's been dug up. What the hell, forum, are you trying to pretend I've never left?
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    Higher End Mame Emulation

    So, what do you all think the best version to run of MAME is? I mean, which version has the best trade-off between speed and compatibility for our purposes?
  11. F

    If There Was An Nds Emu...

    True. But the details of this hack are still a bit uncertain- it could be based off of it's exclusive internal processor. Also, the fact remains that other flashcarts are still blocked. Now, the real issue (for the poor 'Temp servers) is that there is a huge number of fake-R4 teams out there...
  12. F

    If There Was An Nds Emu...

    Might as well tell a few people here. The new DSi updates (1.4.1 and 1.4.2) block all flashcarts. If you have a DSi and have a flashcart, do not update yet. Note that most R4s will not be able to be updated to get around the new AP.
  13. F

    External Drive For Pandora

    Sorry to contradict you again here, but look- the latest one rockbox supports is about 3-4 years old. We're talking about a product line which is designed to be replaced every year or two. Apple don't even sell a single rockbox-compatible ipod anymore.
  14. F

    External Drive For Pandora

    Rockbox doesn't support any recent iPods. Some form of hardware protection on Apple's part pretty much terminated that idea a few years back.
  15. F

    If There Was An Nds Emu...

    Ok, GBATemp-forum member here: First off, don't buy an R4. Buy either an AceKard 2i, a Supercard DSTWO or an E-Z Flash Vi. Don't ask why. It should be enough for you to know that it has so many flaws that it produces the GBAtemp equivalent of where's-my-Pandora-bitching posts and threads: "HALP...
  16. F

    Minimal Gaming Os Possible?

    Since the whole topic is now off-topic, I might as well throw in my opinion on Chaser's way of speaking. IT'S AWESOME! That is all. Also: treat women properly on the internetz, or else they'll troll you to high heaven! (My GF has fun mindf**king people with her gender status online. God I...
  17. F

    Do You Think The 3Ds Will Be Able Run Homebrew?

    Have you heard of the Capcom Play System 3? It was released in 1997. It took TEN YEARS to crack the encryption. And look at the PS3- even though it's massively popular, it has only JUST been cracked. And then there's the DSi! A Nintendo handheld which HAS NOT BEEN CRACKED. We can get it to...
  18. F

    Do You Think The 3Ds Will Be Able Run Homebrew?

    I don't know why everyone thinks that online storage is very secure. Look at the iPhone/iPod touch. It now uses online verification, in combination with a unique hardware-based key for each device, which results in the OS being impossible to install without Apple's go-ahead. So guess what the...
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    An Appeal To All Guesstimators

    This forum isn't owned by OP.
  20. F

    Pandora Pandora-psp

    Wait... Why not just play them on the Pandora? If they can be ripped, surely VLC can handle them. It's a full PC, not a handheld console.