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  1. F

    Sd Card Spring Clickety

    This is actually a really good point. Do the two SD card LEDs actually show read/write activity? What exactly do they do?
  2. F

    Will <Insert Name Here> Work On The Pandora?

    EDIT- oops. Well, anyway, just remember that this will not allow you to run any X86 version of windows. Only ARM operating systems will run visualized. Please don't let anyone get their hopes up.
  3. F

    Working Accessories And Current Applications ?

    Just really quickly, the Pandora has a mic. Too many people are forgetting this.
  4. F

    Gp2X Or Gp32 Emulators?

    Hey guys... that article was wrong. Check the link at the bottom. His source apologized for saying that Pixel had requested it to stop here. Maybe it could be possible... although that "bug" he mentions is worrying... Anyone here have the dedication to port this thing?
  5. F

    Gp2X Or Gp32 Emulators?

    I was about to point out what everyone was saying (that the emulator wouldn't be too useful), but then I saw the words "Cave Story". DAMN IT! Now this NEEDS to happen.
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    Flash Related Question

    I think that everyone should switch to Unity. NOW!
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    Would Usb-Ethernet Work?

    It has to be USB 2.0 to support the Pandora's USB port!
  8. F

    What About A Ds Emulator?

    As countless others have said before me: NOBODY HAS ANY IDEA. Thanks, shorts
  9. F

    Q: Warranty At 800Mhz?

  10. F

    Snes Emulator Question

    I think one of the main reasons why they cost more for consoles is piracy. But not in the way that you would think. AFAIK, you can't pirate games for the PS3 or XBOX360 yet. Therefore people have no alternative but to buy them. With PC games, if the prices are too high people will just pirate...
  11. F

    Auto-Mounted Pnd Files?

    Yeah, but there was only ever one bricking program and it quickly became blocked by all of the DLDI-patchers. For those not in the DS-Scene: DLDI is a very clever standard that, when followed, allows a developer to produce a single binary which can then be patched or re-patched with a byte or...
  12. F

    Will This Work For Booting The Pandora?

    Yeah, I think we could do with a nice program like that. How about a program on the Pandora enabling us to use it as the connection between the two file systems? (Or is that what Samba is... I have only recently started using linux, and I suck at it.) In any case, we need to be able to plug the...
  13. F

    Let's Label This Mofo

    I still think that someone needs to produce (as in, mass and then sell) a basic box that clips onto the base of the Pandora. It just needs to fit into the USB port and then (via a hub) have several ports inside it. Problem solved for about 90% of all Pandora mods. Of course, this would just be...
  14. F

    Will This Work For Booting The Pandora?

    Hey, sorry to go off topic (I suck at searching), but does anyone know how much space is left on the nand after installing the OS on the Pandora? Also, is it possible to just copy PND files to the nand (un-extracted, just as if it were on a SD) for really commonly used programs. I think I might...
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    The One Game You Can't Wait To Play

    I'd kill for a portable version of Cave Story... but it's actually closed-source. The DS and PSP versions were ports made by fans, with the go-ahead and source from Pixel, but when Cave Story Wii was given the go-ahead (and thus the game became commercial) these versions stopped at the request...
  16. F

    Time To Rejoyce? N64 Goldeneye!?

    Perfect dark is hell on emulators. It's Goldeneye + quite a bit more. One step at a time, let's all just wait and see if Goldeneye will run. Thanks for all the (extremely) hard work!
  17. F

    How Will Evolve?

    Just wanted to say: We have to cater to the target auidence, ie: us. Please remember that you are trying to sell to geeks. I mean, sure, if OpenPandora ltd. can sell a few million to iphone fanboys, then they can go ahead- but that's not exactly feasible. This is a niche product- an awesome one...
  18. F

    Ordering A Pandora: Proceedures

    Thank you for responding! (Stops worrying)
  19. F

    The Last Appstore Thread

    I'll be fine with whatever Open-Pandora ltd. names it. Go on Craig, you deserve to name it! So long as you aren't sued and we can pronounce it, I think everyone will learn to love the name. Either that or they'll always hate it and spam the boards with useless requests to change it. Either way...
  20. F

    Ordering A Pandora: Proceedures

    Hey everyone. I sent off an email to recently (about 4 days ago) and they emailed me back (the very next day), telling me there are a few slots left. I happily sent off a response confirming that I wanted the Pandora and my preferred shipping method (regular air-mail)...