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  1. N

    A New Toy..but What System?

    hmmmm...i have always wondered what the deal with amigas was... :( i have never seen one...what IS the deal with em? are there fun games? neato programs? what?! i might buy would be neato to have an all in one computer mod...with an amiga and pc... :unsure: if i WERE to get an amiga...
  2. N

    List Your Consoles.

    yeah...i wanted a saturn sooo badly when i was little...but then at christmas time my uncle bought us a playstation (when it had first come out...)...that was pretty awsome... but my VERY first console was the nes...the company my dad works for had some kind of "contest" thingy...(he is the...
  3. N

    Rare Game On Ebay

    do you know how many us games there are?i have around 15+ games for think i should stop buying consoles and start getting games for the ones i own... :lol:
  4. N

    List Your Consoles.

    huh..i'm not seeing a channel f system :D :P i think i may be getting an snes soon... and i think ppl should list their age with their collection as well, and how long they have been collecting... ;)
  5. N

    Hair Cuts!!!

    my hair was spiked for a while... i wanna dye it red...but my parents prolly wont let me... <_<
  6. N

    A New Toy..but What System? that i think about it i hadn't tried that one... cybermorph is nothing short of f*****g retarded...there are no other words for it... this green face will pop up when you die and say "ouch..."wow... i need a huge ass tv shelving thingy now...i decided to move all of my systems into...
  7. N

    Gp32 Blu Box

    WHY? WHY? WHY would somone put forth all of the effort to make a fake box? AND do such a good job? I think it is legit....i compared it to my box...there are several similarities... ;)
  8. N

    Killed My Gp32!

    sooo, have you even TRIED turning it on and off? or is it just sitting there in pieces?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :blink: come on, i would expect you to put forth SOME kind of effort to save it... :huh:
  9. N

    A New Toy..but What System?

    5 awful games and rayman :lol: no really, these are the games where you would see kids sitting on a couch with AMAZED looks on their faces saying "ITS SOOO 3D!!!" ummm...zool2, power drive rally, cannon fodder, kasumi ninja, and cybermorph... :lol: its sad...but rayman is fun... but, i did...
  10. N

    A New Toy..but What System?

    YESSSSSSSSS!!! soo, i just got back from going to garage sales...I GOT A JAGUAR!!! with 6 games... 20 usd ...YEEEAAAAHHH
  11. N

    A New Toy..but What System?

    were there any good master system games? i already have somewhere near 8 games for that (my mom was mistaken and thought they were genesis games...still neato tho...)...and the local game store has em pretty cheap (the games...system is 30...) hmmmm...i decided that the person who does the...
  12. N

    List Your Consoles.

    yes...and HOW old are you? ;) i'm 14 and i have shitloads.... :D but, that is pretty amazing...altho i don't see a jvc x'eye in there :o its the US version of the wondermega :D and it is awsome...karaoke...that is sooo mcuh fun when the parents are wasted :P J/K :)
  13. N

    A New Toy..but What System?

    is 40usd an ok price?? cuz my local used game store usually has one...for 40... <_<
  14. N

    A New Toy..but What System?

    is 40 bucks good for a saturn? something tells me not... <_< goddamned one horse town that i live in!!!*shakes fist* <_< at least we have a gamestop and 2 (of the same)used game stores...OOH, and a bestbbuy :o ........... nebraska sucks...that and our capital building...eeeewwww... :lol:
  15. N

    No Big Releases Please Until Wednesday.

    LOL :lol: has anyone here heard the canada song by five iron frenzy? funny stuff man...
  16. N

    A New Toy..but What System?

    well, i have 60+ atari games, but my atari broke... i also had an snes, but the dc emulates it pretty well...and the gp32... i might get a saturn, but what are some crazy awsome games for that? P.S. i should have a 7800 coming SOME time... <_< EDIT: i wish i still had the atari...i was a...
  17. N

    Gp32x Banned From College

    me too :lol: ....
  18. N

    Camera Add-on?

    well, there was one that (sucked) plugs into the gbas ext port...if someone were hack the ever loving crap out of it...MAYBE... but this would require extracting the program that it loads into the gba multiboot...then making it work with gp32, then an adapter would be needed, and a program...
  19. N

    GP32 Winamp For Gp32?

    sigh... you shouldn't own a gp32... :rolleyes: not to offend you, but did yo BOTHER looking? good goo...there is prolly a converter of some type, but it might be to complicated for you <_<
  20. N

    Mobile Phone Forums

    my friend has a mobile phone, and the caller id turns up as beverage jim.. :lol: not kidding...