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  1. P

    Yasfg: Two's Compliment

  2. P

    The Apple Ipad Had Landed

    Actually, Apple is in a class of it's own with regard to marketing. But yeah, the distortion field probably had to be turned up to max on this one. I can't wait to see the 'shopped images of people using giant apple products.
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    The power-of-2 convention isn't for 'digital' values; I don't know where you got that from. It was used specifically for bits/bytes, and was due to how data buses are physically implemented. That's it. Every other unit is power-of-10. Microsoft didn't make the convention, btw. And the rest of...
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    Pfft to 'correct'. It's only convention. Computer science had a iron-clad convention of power-of-2 units, which was used universally and never caused any confusion. That it conflicted with the SI definition doesn't make it incorrect, because it was clear to everyone what the convention was and...
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    Pandora Vs Zaurus: Screen Size Comparison

    It's a Zaurus. It's a completely different device that was part of the inspiration for the Pandora's form factor. Those of us who are upgrading from a Z to the Pandora are interested in knowing how much larger the new screen is from what we're used to. Looks like the dot pitch of the Pandora...
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    Rabidpoobear, you got a whole bunch of unit conversions and conventions mixed up in the one sentence, which is an impressive feat... and Tor, you just repeated my second point in different words (network/serial protocol overhead). Well done! ...heh, I think I see what's going on. Interesting...
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    1) Sorry, but dividing bits by 8 to get bytes works EVERYWHERE. At least, since all non-embedded systems standardised on the 8-bit byte many moons ago. The whole SI unit debate *only* applies from byte level upwards. 2) Ok, I'm lying on 1, but only slightly. Serial/Network speeds get divided by...
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    Will The Emulators Be Free?

    If they put their work under the GPL, then it's not a 'dick move' for someone who gets the source to distribute it freely. That's the license they chose. If they want it any other way, then they are free to pick a different license, and refrain from using other GPL code in their work (because...
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    Will The Pandora Be Finished And Ship By May Of 2010

    Yeah, I tend to agree - torx aren't 'security' screws by any means these days; and they're so much better than phillips heads. But as long as the screws aren't the 'strip-if-you-look-at-em-funny' cheap-ass kind I'll be happy. People who use tri-wing screws deserve to be launched by catapult, of...
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    Will The Emulators Be Free?

    All the GPL versions let you charge what you want. "Free as in speech, not free as in beer", as the saying goes. In fact, it's a key provision. You're not obligated to give GPLed software away for free, but you *are* obligated to pass on the source code to whoever you sell/give the binary to...
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    Porting Remakes

    The remake scene tends to be *really* non-portable; people frequently use tools like GameMaker that don't have a viable non-windows implementation. Even when the source code is available you can't port them without a complete rewrite into a standard language. :( That said, there are always...
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    Ces: An Iphone Controlled Personal Spy Drone?

    Bung a Pandora battery in it? :D
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    Firmware Updates/upgrades

    It's based on Angstrom, so updates should be trivial and *not* require a complete reinstall.
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    Make sure you read the license agreement before you consider buying the Uplink developer CD: You apparently have to get written permission from Introversion for any port, even if you've paid for the disc - so it's probably a good idea...
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    Compiling On The Pandora

    Onboard compiling and onboard programming are two entirely different issues. Most of the stuff I compiled on my Zaurus was not coded by me, so the keyboard was not a problem. Sometimes downloading and compiling something directly on the Pandora will be far faster than going to your dev machine...
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    Avatar And Other 3D Movies

    Uh, none of those were being thrown AT THE VIEWER. (pretty sure I would have noticed them throwing things like the computer displays.) There were elements that were further into/out of the screen than most, but only one instance of "oh, lets throw this at the audience and make them flinch!"
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    Ces: An Iphone Controlled Personal Spy Drone?

    The thing has a quite well documented comms protocol too, so you aren't stuck with only controlling it by the iPhone app. That said, I have no idea whether the codec for the video is open, so it could all be for naught.
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    Release Server Upgrade In Process

    Hooray for Novell's linux distro (note extreme sarcasm in this statement). So glad I don't have to code for Netware anymore.
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    Any Kind Of Phone Capabilities?

    Hey, the Pandora's not *that* uncomfortable as a phone; people can get used to talking into all sorts of bizarre things.
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    Sdxc Rolling Out From Panasonic

    Okay, okay, it was a couple of years ago I did the actual work, so my memory is quite a bit faulty, so I checked my notes. ...I was arguing the point in this space, but I realised it's only a subtle difference to what you were describing, and the whole argument doesn't really matter anymore :D...