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  1. K

    GBAX / GP32 Spain Discussion

    Nothing to add, thanks franxis.
  2. K

    GBAX / GP32 Spain Discussion

    If the winners have to wait more than 4 months to receive the prize (while it gets cheaper), don't count on me. If the results of the compo aren't fair, don't count on me. It was funny, that sd card was worth the work when the compo finished, but when I received it 4 months later, it was worth...
  3. K

    Stuck & Dead Pixels Help!

    Well... the last photo before sending it for a replacement one, with the previous two, for comparison. As you can deduce... it's at a point where anything is unplayable.
  4. K

    Stuck & Dead Pixels Help!

    Well... This happened to me a few days ago, i didn't know there where more people with the same problem. A couple of images of how my screen is diyng day by day. First notice: Yesterday, after 3 days:
  5. K

    Please Answer My Questions So I Can Buy A Gp2x!

    First rule: Don't ask for warez on irc channels. (specially the spanish one)
  6. K

    What A Month..

    2007 will be THE YEAR for the gp2x, just wait and see.
  7. K

    Interview With Rlyeh

    I have some questions. 1) Now that you are working for as a professional coder, writting games for NDS, do you expect some lazyness derived from the fact that you are coding for money and what you do for the scene is for free? don't you think that you are losing money coding for free when you...
  8. K

    Gameboy Color Marquees For Gnuboy2x

    Awesome! I can't say more, they are just awesome!
  9. K

    Disasterous Firmware Problem

    it never broke, you were doing it wrong. (BTW, my fist post here in months)
  10. K

    Old News? Keyboard + Wifi Module?

    WOOT! now i can have 6 accounts active at the same time in bed, laptop, pocketpc, psp, ds, symbian UIQ and now GP2X!!!!11!11ONE1!! EDIT: or if i'm bored, i can play with all of them and just 1 account, stealing the account between them... but i must be REALLY bored.
  11. K

    Simple Emulator Question

    And, the ram IS NOT the problem here, not at all, in fact it has nothing to do with emulation of the playstation, both machines have more than enough ram for playstation.
  12. K

    GP2X Mmu Hack Working?

    He's not using it, and i can't get it to work with gnuboy2x, using minimal lib.
  13. K

    Picodrive For Gp2x

    Hey notaz! Nice to see you joining the gp2x scene after your results with the Symbian UIQ version. I've always been thinking that you should do a gp2x version of picodrive after using it in my P800, and here it is :D Do you have any plans for your snes9x port? Nice work and good luck in the...
  14. K

    Got Screwed By Gp32z ?

    Reading will not harm you, this has been discussed many times, you MUST use rechargeable batteries if you want more than some minutes of use.
  15. K

    Gb/gbc Emu Status?

    Well, is not an update, just a beta that someone asked for and i put it there, use it if you want, SRAM and RTC saving and loading works in that version, but you must exit to the file selector to save sram (is loaded automatically when you load a rom with SRAM, the same applies to RTC)
  16. K

    Gb/gbc Emu Status?

    Ok ok, now seriously, the emulator is not abandoned nor dead, i've been busy for the last few months, but i'm returning to my normal life in a couple of weeks, and i'll resume my work where i left it, expect full zip support and new features, a rewritten gui with new graphics and new system...
  17. K

    Gb/gbc Emu Status?

    MWAHAHAHAHA! I just renamed the file to, because i'm a bitch, it's ok now. Yeah, i know i'm bad, the download link works again XD
  18. K

    GP2X Methods Of Dev

    I do the same as orkie, using telnet to control the gp2x and a directory in my pc mounted in the gp2x filesystem using samba. The thing is that i mount the directory as /mnt/sd, to be as close as i can to the final user "experience"
  19. K

    Are You Japanese Programmer?

    Hey, i was here before you. Don't trust this guy, I said i'll do it.
  20. K

    Are You Japanese Programmer?

    I'll do it. PM me for details.