Search results for query: *

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    Any Usb Devices Which Would Function On The Pandora As A Camera?

    I was thinking a bit more internal than using a wire - internal usb camera which plugs in the back one for a palm which uses a SD camera:
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    Any Usb Devices Which Would Function On The Pandora As A Camera?

    I would love to have a usb camera for the pandora anyone know if there's something that would work with the pandora? I know there are SD camera's for palm/pocket PC's but considering the the sd cards are at the front it would be pretty weird using it to take pictures :blink:
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    When Will Pandora Be Non Stock Limited?

    I was wondering If I could pick up one in April or will there still be a stock limitation then? , or should I pre-order now?
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    What Is Possible On 256mb Ram?

    mac os 8/9 :D or how about Mac OS X v10.4 ??? go on tell me it can be done :D
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    Ubuntu Mobile On Pandora? any wayof porting this thing over, if there was a way to put a sim in through usb or and sd card if possible it would be pretty neat :)
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    What Gadgets You Own Are Going To Be Replaced By Pandora?

    If I get my hands on pandora I'm gonna have a few redundant gadgets, what will yours be? mine are - Ipod Touch - I can watch movies on a bigger screen + more storage for songs :) - DS - runs R4DS cart which plays GB/GBC/DS/NES/SNES/Megadrive - pandora will replace all that - my laptop -...
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    What Will The Pandora's Native Os User Interface Look Like?

    True I was hoping for tabs at the top - which when clicked on showed you more options/icons (user customizable of course) I think a main window widget page would look cool such as showing time, weather, email, last used programs, free space and so.
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    What Will The Pandora's Native Os User Interface Look Like?

    just looked at the Linux MIE for the HP netbooks and it looks pretty dam sweet I must say :) just wondering what do you guys think on how the OS should look like? LInux MIE OS onHP NOtebook
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    Drawing With Inkscape On The Pandora

    but is it single touch? or multi?
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    6 Questions That I Need Anwsering :)

    lol should have known better, but in an uni environment running linux is hell you often get glares from people running mac/windows thinking "what the hell is guy doing?" :lol: anyways thanks, I'll wait a while and see how it goes, I won't pcik up one until next year anyways hopefully by then...
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    6 Questions That I Need Anwsering :)

    thanks guys for all your replies! but will the pandora distro support file ? I need it to connect to my local internet at uni it's some kind of security check app that's why I need to have ubuntu on it TO be honest XP would have been perfect- absolute no hassle with wifi, but I'm...
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    6 Questions That I Need Anwsering :)

    Hi just wondering If the pandora would be suitable for runnning ubuntu (or a very small distro) I think the main functions it has to do in ubuntu is just running ftp/web surfing and a bit of typing - I've listed my questions out by numbering just so to serperate each point Hopefully one...