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  1. F


    Don't be ridiculous. This is about the touch screen. Using the keyboard is a totally different matter. ;)
  2. F


    These gloves are for capacitive touch screens. You could wear oven gloves, it wouldn't make a difference, since the touch screen on the Pandora is resistive. ;)
  3. F

    5th Screw dock

    My screws looked like pretty standard self-tapping variety, with a little notch at the tip. 3 long and 2 short. Condolences on the mangled case...
  4. F

    Turn around time for RMA's?

    Exactly the reason I'd rather risk DYI fixes than RMA! :)
  5. F

    Issue with my battery, keeps reading 1%

    Sorry for the OT, but Is it possible to reflash the nubs without removing them?
  6. F

    Quality Control

    The problem with the shoulder buttons is that the switches have not been soldered accurately (see ED's post here). This means that each unit needs to be manually checked for the need of the foam pads. My Pandora, for example, has a foam pad on the left, but not the right, I suspect because...
  7. F

    Left nub losing right calibration

    Technically this is a bump... :unsure: After just rebooting my Pandora moving the left nub to the right caused the cursor to move to the LEFT! It took three or four nub resets to get the cursor to move in the correct direction again. Update: After a second reboot the same thing happened, but...
  8. F

    Your pandora has been shipped

    Right you are. *engage brain* :P
  9. F

    Release HomeBank

    My dad used to walk around with a manky piece of paper full of chicken scratches in his wallet. :P
  10. F

    Your pandora has been shipped

    ^ Open the mail and click on "Reply" in the top right corner of the message. Select "Show original."
  11. F

    Release HomeBank

    Sweet! Will definitely have to check this out! I do my finances in a spreadsheet in Google Docs, but always end up being lazy and falling behind. Catching up then takes a whole weekend. <_< Perhaps having this in my pocket will help my sanity!
  12. F

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 3

    Sorry, that should have been NameOfMyCard\? ;)
  13. F

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 3

    As in /media/NameOfMyCard?
  14. F

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 3

    This happened to me the other day when I inserted the right SD card first. When I unmounted both and inserted the left one first the mappings fixed themselves. Edit: This was on HF5 Beta 2.
  15. F

    I am unhappy with my web design assignment

    Our code base at work would give that lecturer a thrombo. :P
  16. F

    Left nub losing right calibration

    I've had my Pandora for a few days now and everything is great, except for an issue with the left nub out of the box. Moving the mouse cursor to the left, up or down is fine, but movement to the right is erratic. The speed varies. Extended calibration dances might bring it up to (close to)...
  17. F

    confirmed shipping vs order date

    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Order confirmation: 30 Sep 2008 18:57:47 (UTC) Shipping confirmation: 25 Jan 2011 14:16:51 (UTC)
  18. F

    Pandora OS on PandaBoard

    You're not dreaming, according to the official Digi-Key order page.
  19. F

    Animation Short

    Nice one!
  20. F

    All the nubs are there! (2011 - 01 - 11)

    FTFY ;)