Better pay thrice the price for a professional company and save a lot of money and hassle. I'd even make an additional payment (e.g. 50 Euros) for a manufacturer that uses top notch inspection systems and maybe a made in Germany hologram on the mainboard. :-)
Still think a batch 2 pandora is worth the wait. Thought CC would like to show us their growing manufacturing skills and now we have new delays. Wonder if they really know what they are doing.
Hab meine p&|a erst vor 2 Monaten vorbestellt, habe mir vor fast 2 Jahren einen Everun Note bestellt und ein schoenes Spielzeug fuer die Zeit gehabt. Also alles bestens ^_^
Haette wohl kaum einer besser gefunden, wenn es ehrlich geheißen haette, dass man kaum an eine Nub-Lieferung glaubt und...
Some suggestions
OpenOffice (or at least odf and its import filters for .doc .docx and .ppt)
Location based filemanager views and menus based on ssid/id_str="" (and maybe bt gps)
Habe zwar gerade erst eine Pandora aus Batch 2 bestellt, aber habe auch ein HB620T.
Hier meine Erfahrung mit normalem Kubuntu auf x86_64:
Wenn max. 50kb/sec genug sind, kann man Bluetooth nehmen /dev/rfcomm0, sonst nimmt man das USB-Kabel /dev/ttyASM0.
Der Rest ist wie hier beschrieben.
Also mein Everun Note nutzt einen Marvell SD8686-Chip und kommt auf Werte zwischen 1,2 - 1,4 MB, während mein Ralink RT73-USB-Dongle über 2MB schafft. Also 800 - 900 kb/s sollten´s schon werden.
I've preordered Ankh, Ankh2 and Jack Keane for Linux. I really trust that shop in my country. I don't want to buy a Pandora from a frist batch and I'd like to have one in a colour and not in black. I've bought an Everun Note to stay busy until the 2nd batch Pandora arrives. Seems like Raon...
I'm waiting for to accept preorders again. Hopefully I can get a a coloured one from the second batch.
Maybe I can resist to buy another toy before the pandora (like that Raon Everun Note).
I miss builtin WLAN in The Wiz and there're no Via Nano or AMD-Netbooks out. I save a lot of money and I have to wait until April - and really, I don't want to buy a black pandora but maybe I just have to :-(
In Germany at I could already preorder second batch Pandoras for 249 Euros. But still no custom color or brushed aluminium case. This batch will be delivered at the end of January. That´s still a lot of time to wait for new designs (original or modded).
Everyone should be everyone who wants custom colours. I really don't care about that 20 extra Euros for a gadget that I will have to look at daily over years. It's definitely worth it :-)
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