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  1. joschobart

    Faster delivery/upgrade - Craig's orders

    OMG!!! It got shipped!! :D Just received my confirmation. Initially ordered in summer 2010, upgraded in april this year, #87.
  2. joschobart

    The Voting

    Why are you offending me and others and who gives you the right to bother us all with your arrogant attitude? It's a pity that a small troll like you needs to ruin this treat.
  3. joschobart

    The Voting

    I really wanted to participate at this poll just I don't have my own pandora yet... But I want to congratulate and thank the contributors, it seams they all did a very good job! @ZXDunny: please don't make statements about developers not putting enough effort in their entries. It's unfair.
  4. joschobart

    Name für die Pandora-Linuxdistribution

    Ich bin bereits ein Fan von Elpis! Wobei du einen Vorzug dieses Namens noch gar nicht erwähnt hast: der Buchstabe s am Schluss lässt sich prima durch ein x ersetzen. Dann heisst die Distri Elpix, womit auch auf den Linux-Unterbau angespielt wird. ^_^ Elpix ftw!