Search results

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    Speech Synthesis

    Is there is anyone still interested in making (porting) a speech synthesis for the GP32? There seems to be quite alot of open source projects to look at. :) Here is a few links that might be handy, I am no coder myself (appart from some basic, STOS, and cheesy attempts at MC6800 assembler) I...
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    porting soundmon tracker

    Have you looked at It is a huge site with all kinds of sourcode and projects available. Perhaps you can find something to start with.
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    John Ritter Dead

    Yes he will... :(
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    New handheld released

    Seems to be like my GAMEAXE, but that is the size of an Atari Lynx. This thing looks much cooler :)
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    any fix for clicky joystick?

    Yes, that's the one! :) I think I just remembered the name om the conmpany: Wico? Does that ring any bells? I'm not sure if I remember correctly..
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    Chu chu rocket????

    There is some software to make Atari diskimages. I think it is called MakeDisk. Another way of doing this is to install STEEM, an STE emu for the PC, then *create a blank disk using steem *Mount the blank disk as A: *Copy the files yo need from your harddrive C: (make sure that you have the...
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    any fix for clicky joystick?

    Here is the type of microswitches most often used in Arcade and digital joyticks: There is also a kind that uses "blisterswitches" which makes less noise but crack and brake after a while. And of course the crappy type mentioned by...
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    Vote for your next Emulator wish!

    I would like a good AmstradCPC emu :) Or pehaps an ABC80 :P anyone who remember that old beige box??
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    porting soundmon tracker

    Yeah, thats to bad. That is the only bad thing about castaway, an autospeed would also be nice. Then it's Perfect :)
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    porting soundmon tracker

    Here is a nice link to some ST trackers. But I'm afraid that Castaway doesn't emulate STE and also the sample-play support isn't very good yet. :( Still perhaps some of the Chip-trackers will work. By the way if you are looking for something perhaps a bit...
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    Where did you buy your GP32?

    Got it from Play-Asia. :)
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    Perhaps I could make a post inte the development forum, there have been som people wanting to find good things to port :)
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    Wohoo! I'm allready all exited :P If you need any graphics for an introscreen or frontend (or whatever) I would be happy to help :)
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    Thanks! Now all we need is a coder :)
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    Thanks. It seems those players only play soundtracker mods. What I want is a YM-Chip player. One of the problems with YM-Players is that there was alot of strange formats and special tweaks. Like digidrums, syncbuzzer base, Sid emulation. But some Players sound almost identical to the real...
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    I just talked to Arnaud Carré (Leonard, Author of ST-Sound) I rememberd that he made a port of ST-Sound to GBA a while ago. But he has no plans nor the time to port it to the GP32 :( Just have to wait and see I guess..
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    Hi! I was wondering if anyone have any plans on making a YM-Player for the GP32. Over at Equinox there is a Java player that might work on the GP32 Java Emu, but I have never tried that emu so I don't know, also that Java applet is not open source as far as I know, I will drop them a mail and...
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    Which set of games works best ?

    Sorry, I don't know of any other compatibility list. But I think it would be a good idea to start lists like that on this site. That way we would get less "Does this game work?" And it would be easy to find the info you need :) Instead of having to wait for someone to answer your post.
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    Very cheap GBA AC and Car adaptor

    Thanks for the polarity tip. :) Any idea why Gamepark have chosen to have center negative?
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    Very cheap GBA AC and Car adaptor

    Hi! This morning I took a trip to Rusta (a swedish lowprice chain) and I found a pack containing a GBA AC adaptor and a car adaptor for 10Kr (about 1dollar) But it is 3.3V and the GP is 3.00V I don't think this will be a problem but I thought I could ask if anyone else have used an GBA adaptor...