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    Atari Ym Player

    Hi! I was just wondering if anyone has plans to port Leonards superb Atari YM player. He has now made it open source :) Here is a link
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    No posts in here for a while

    I use Castaway a lot, but better sample support ,a speed throttle and perhaps STE support would be very nice. :) Perhaps we should make a donation to speed up development :)
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    Ghost in the machine??

    I think I'm gonna open my XBOX and unplug that "MindControlDevice MkII" That I am sure is hidden in there somewhere. :) Edit: Perhaps I should stop watching Cronenberg movies like VideoDrome and ExistenZ... "Death to videodrome! Long live the new flesh!!"
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    Ghost in the machine??

    Strange that none of us saw you, we were 4 people staring at the TV. Perhaps you are very fast or transparent. Anyway thanks for clearing it up :D Feel free to stop by again, but if you want coffee I need to be notified at least 15 minutes in advance :)
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    Ghost in the machine??

    Is this the final proof that Microsoft has struck a deal with the darker forces?? ;) The other day when I turned on my XBOX it as usual automaticly turned on my TV (It sends a wakeup signal using the scart cabel) But there was no picture. I messed with my remote for about 20 minutes but could...
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    I will give them a try :)
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    Maze of Galious Remake

    Thanks! :) Actually I read the readme ;) I just forgot that it supported for than the F-keys, anyway it would be nice with a keyboard for naming characters etc in games :)
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    Maze of Galious Remake

    I used to play it on my old SVI728 MSX1 :D I hope that Rlyeh will make a "real" Virtual keyboard for the FMSX, otherwise playing some games is impossible, and also using the MSX1-Mania Compilation disks is not possible since you select game from a menu.
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    Maze of Galious Remake

    If you ever owned an MSX computer you pobably played MAG, and there is a nice PC remake beeing worked on. :D If you hanv't seen it I advice you to check it out, even if you have ever seen the game before.. One of Konamis finest titles :)
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    Remeber Head over Heels

    The game is truly great :D But Is it worth making a port when there is a nice ST version with nice graphics?..
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    I think FruityLoops is a lot better, but they have changed it's name to FL Studio, since it is NOT a "loop" program, and they didn't want it to be asociated with those (anyone can make a song) tools :P But E-jay is a pretty good if you want to get intruduced to computer sequencers, but then...
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    MAIL ERRORS? Don't repost the topic!!

    Anyone else have problems with the "track topic" function? I don't recieve any emails anymore :(
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    GP32 Mass strorage device??

    That is to bad :( But at least you can easely back up the entire smc card with the current version (I think, havn't tried it yet) Does anyone know if he will release the source?
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    stupid piece or crap

    I have a weird bug with win2000, sometimes the usb drivers for the GP32 are gone and I need to re-install them, and just when finnished the computer reboots! :( But at least the drivers ar back again :)
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    Fmsx and Fsms graphics bug

    That also fixes the graphics bug on my GP, but the savestate bug I was refering is another bug, that is not connected to the graphics bug.
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    My new GP32 site: go! go! GP32!

    A good compatibility matrix that covers all the emus would be nice, users can add info like "Game has problems with: Sound, jerky scroll, crashes after level2 etc.." quite a lot of job to maintain but it would be nice. :) Good luck with your site
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    GP32 Mass strorage device??

    Nice, I will have to check it out :)
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    GP32 Mass strorage device??

    What happened to the project of turning the GP32 into a mass storage device? Is there any progess? Or is it allready working?
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    Community Game Area

    What kind of game did you have in mind? Or does it have to be a game? I myself do graphix, have been working on a retro style platform pc game for a while but it seems that the rest of the team have given up :( If this is gonna happen we need really dedicated people that doesnt give up, when...
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    Remeber Head over Heels

    Don't forget the MSX version ;)