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  1. D

    Music In Game

    OMG, that sounds great :D, expecialy demo2 and demo3. I think something sounds "wrong" around 20 seconds of demosong. (NOTE for all people: If you play with winamp 5.093, I think it acts wierd if you 'scroll', pitch changes, and funky stuff seems to happen) Do you mind if I use it in the next...
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    Dictionarys Or Translators

    Yeah, I'll need to implent proper word-wrap. Scrolling down isn't possible yet :X that will come with the proper word-wrap. And it puts the CPU to 75Mhz on startup, so no need to use Gmenu2x to do it.
  3. D

    Dictionarys Or Translators Test version. Features: -WordNet word search (equivalent to: "wn 'XXX' -over") -Start or Selects quits -Runs at 75mhz -[A] makes the cursor move faster -[B][X][Y] Select a key on the onscreen keyboard -Customizable onscreen keyboard To customize the...
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    Dictionarys Or Translators

    Actualy, that's a screenshot of the Win32 compile, the GP2x compile also works (tested it) It's just that I don't have a digital camera so I cannot take a 'screenshot' of it running on the GP2x. It did run pretty slow on the GP2x, but I 'requested' the text every draw cycle :P. Total size is...
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    Dictionarys Or Translators

    Oh, easy! Good backend for testing diffrent text input idea on. And seems to compile without a hitch. (BRB ;-)) EDIT:
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    Dictionarys Or Translators

    --------------------------------- IMPORTANT ------------------------------------ NOTE: Please note that edict uses various dictionary web-sites to fetch the meanings of the words. Please read the "TERMS OF USE" of the dictionary site before you start using it. Don't use the program if you intend...
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    Sdl Version Of Visual Boy Advanced

    (I wrote the wiki page) Not sure if that will get the soundbuffer out of there. Might be that the linux driver puts the sound buffer there, what I ment with "atleast in SDL" is that I didn't test it without SDL.
  8. D

    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef WIN32 #else #include <sys/mman.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stropts.h> int memfd; volatile unsigned long *memregs32; volatile unsigned short *memregs16; unsigned char initphys (void) { memfd =...
  9. D

    Good Homebrew For Gp2x

    Not exactly homebrew, but a nice port. Clonk Hard to learn, harder to master, but great game :) Take your time for this one, it's not a quick 10 minutes game but more a 5 houre bus/car/train ride game.
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    if (Mix_OpenAudio(MIX_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 1, 512)) { printf("Error opening SDL_Mixer: %s\n", Mix_GetError ()); } int Mix_AllocateChannels(16); Mix_Volume(-1, MIX_MAX_VOLUME); TingSound[0] = Mix_LoadWAV("sfx/ting1.wav"); TingSound[1] = Mix_LoadWAV("sfx/ting2.wav")...
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    I understand SVG is pretty nice, but for 'noob' useablity, you might want to think to go to a very well known format. Everyone can draw up a BMP in mspaint (LCD G&W games don't have to look good ;-))
  12. D

    New Target Capacity For Sd - 32gb

    Simple, it comes all down to transistors (the basic component of every digital electronic device) the amount of transistors that can be fitted on a square cm double about each 8/10 months. It has been growning like this atleast sinds the very first computer chips. So it's 4GB now, 8GB next year...
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    I rather see it as, total lack of info from your side. You throw a term here "SVG", turns up as "Scalable Vector Graphics" on google. Other then that I don't have time to read 300 pages of documentation on it. Now you describe it as "Structured Versatile Graphics", and thus making the confusion...
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    GP2X Jabber's Log-fire

    Ah, yes, yes, I see how the standard for a graphics system helps you defining gameplay without an editor.
  15. D

    GP2X Bresenham / Any Line Drawing

    This looks faster to me: //Bresenham's line algorithm // Build from the pseudocode on wikipedia #define Swap(X, Y) {Tmp = X; X = Y; Y = Tmp;} void DrawLine(SDL_Surface* Surface, int X0, int Y0, int X1, int Y1, int Color) { int Tmp; int Steep = abs(Y1 - Y0) > abs(X1 - X0); if (Steep) {...
  16. D

    GP2X Gp2x Developer Needed For Calculation Program

    You think? Don't underestimate the amount of work. And without proper requirements... -entering price and quantity values via a usb keyboard -The program will require basic math +-x/ -the ability to seperate the input into sections -sort it -make adjustments -save it in a printable format...
  17. D

    C++ Beginner

    Fool proof Hellow worldy for windows: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("Hellow, my World.\n"); system("pause"); return 0; }
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    GP2X Eclipse Ide

    Unless friends share projects, use CVS, need to do alot of diffrences checks between projects, and resolve conflicts. Ofcourse, that's just one of the reasons to use eclipse.
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    Clonk Planet 2x - 0.9

    :blink: It's more like... mix between Worms and Settlers. But that also doesn't really describe it. Imagine worms, but then realtime, and you can make buildings, dig, throw stuff, blow stuff up, chop trees, it can rain, you can drill for oil, encounter lava. The controls are tricky, but...
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    Clonk Planet 2x - 0.9

    After some hard work it's finaly here. The 0.9 release of Clonk Planet for the GP2x. For those who just jump in and don't know Clonk yet: (quote from ) Changes from 0.2: -Alot faster because of the hardware blitter and LCD in 8bit mode. -Frontend much nicer. -(All)...