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    Port Wish... Awesome Game With Source...

    I'll just say... Click:
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    Clonk Planet For Gp2x 0.1 - Public Beta

    Without optimalizations of any kind, I present you: Clonk Planet for the GP2x. Read about Clonk here: I've included the compleet Clonk Planet Freeware version, for compleetness sake because the GP2x frontend is very limited, and you directly have all the...
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    Default Sdk Not Respecting #pragma Pack(x)

    Solved it, a slightly diffrent way. Changed the loading code: if (!hGroup.Read(&BitmapInfo,sizeof(BitmapInfo))) return NULL; To: if (!hGroup.Read(&BitmapInfo.Head,14)) return NULL; if (!hGroup.Read(&BitmapInfo.Info,40)) return NULL; if (!hGroup.Read(&BitmapInfo.Colors,1024)) return NULL...
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    Default Sdk Not Respecting #pragma Pack(x)

    Traced back the not loading of clonk to the failure of loading the bmp images. What traced back to this function: BOOL CBitmap256Info::Valid() { if (Head.bfType != *((WORD*)"BM") ) return FALSE; if ((Info.biBitCount!=8) || (Info.biCompression!=0)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } In this...
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    Port Wish... Awesome Game With Source...

    RedWolf Design Clonk Planet Engine Version: 4.65 Scenario: Worlds.c4f/Desert.c4s Loading graphics... Loading object definitions: Objects.c4d... 269 definitions loaded. Desert.c4s... 0 definitions loaded. Texture table holds 40 entries. 16 textures loaded. 21 materials loaded. Creating...
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    Port Wish... Awesome Game With Source...

    I've been addicted to clonk a few months ;) (There is NO satisfaction like flooding the other players mine with water in multiplayer, well, exept for blowing the granite from under his base while he unloads a few tera flints from it)
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    Port Wish... Awesome Game With Source...

    You want a progress update you mean? Well gota disappoint you, Clock3 was harder then expected. Uses some crazy dos day tricks that are hard to come around. Maybe clock planet, I'll have a look at that.
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    Sdl & 24bits Picture Display

    SDL can convert them: SDL_Surface* LoadImage(const char* Filename) { SDL_Surface* Tmp = IMG_Load(Filename); if (Tmp) { SDL_Surface* Ret = SDL_DisplayFormat(Tmp); SDL_SetColorKey(Ret, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(Ret->format, 255,0,255)); SDL_FreeSurface(Tmp); return Ret; } return...
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    GP2X What Ttf Font For The Gp2x?

    I wouldn't go for TTF for such a small font. I use my "TinyFont.bmp" with this code: int DrawText(int X, int Y, const char* Text) { SDL_Rect Src; SDL_Rect Dest; while(*Text) { Src.x = ((*Text) & 0xF) * 6; Src.y = (((*Text) >> 4) - 2) * 8; Src.w =...
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    Record Tv On Tv Out

    Guess why it's called a "TV out" and not a "TV in"? (And lazy+gp2x are a bad combo IMHO)
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    Port Wish... Awesome Game With Source...

    And 1 menu key. In Clonk3 it's vital, because you can buy new stuff with that key. (clonk planet has a few more keys that are rarely used) I'm not sure that the gp2x won't be able to handle clonk planet, but Clonk 3 is alot friendlier on resources I think. Did some messing around with the...
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    Port Wish... Awesome Game With Source...

    Clock 4 (as ported by that guy to linux) is probly a bit heavy for the GP2x (I could grind my P1.2Ghz to a halt with it) Clock 3 runs in dosbox with 6000 cycles, so I think that would run pretty well. The ingame controll screme would be easy to manipulate to GP2x controlls. I'll have a look at...
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    Create A Dark Picture From Another On Sdl ?

    Don't forget to convert your surfaces to 16bit, and make a surface for the dark version. background_dark = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, background->w, background->h, 16, background->format->Rmask, background->format->Gmask, background->format->Bmask, background->format->Amask); And...
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    Create A Dark Picture From Another On Sdl ?

    SDL_LockSurface(Source); SDL_LockSurface(Dest); short* SPixels = (short*)Source->pixels; short* DPixels = (short*)Dest->pixels; int SPitch = Source->pitch / 2; int DPitch = Dest->pitch / 2; for(int y=Source->w;y>-1;y--) { short* SP = &SPixels[y * SPitch]; short* DP = &DPixels[y *...
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    Look Over My Code Please?

    Is this correct? /* Initialize SDL */ if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); exit (1); } atexit (Terminate); SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK);I usualy do: if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) { fprintf...
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    Know A Good Distro For Devving?

    We'll change that now then: Slackware was the first distro I tried, and I still like it very much. It learned me how a linux system works, because all scripts are pretty easy to follow and there aren't alot of scripts. When you wanted to change something you needed to dive into some scripts, I...
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    Know A Good Distro For Devving?

    Why not the other way around? I always liked Slackware for messing around, if you like customizing the software on your machine a bit. I use debian on my server, because it's much easier to install something there, need X?, "apt-get X" and much easier to keep...
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    Movesweep, Minesweeper With A Twist.

    I got around to port my very simple game "MoveSweep" to the GP2x. It's a basic minesweeper with a twist. Mines get borred, so they sometimes move a bit to explore new areas. Mines only run into areas that aren't open yet. This means that the field gets harder how furter you get. This is...
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    Unreal Tournament

    Nope, the physics aren't special. But they heavly depent on floats. Replacing the floats with any fixed point wouldn't work very easly, alot of stuff simply asumes it can make huge or tiny numbers.
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    Racing Game That May Be Possible

    Looks pretty portable, while clanlib has openGL bindings I don't think Trophy needs that.