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  1. Kimundi

    A/v Cables Have Arrived!

    It depends on the Tv. Also, you can usually compensate for the overscan issue in the graphic-driver
  2. Kimundi

    True Or False Questions...

    The Software Situation is basicaly that of a Pc, rather than that of a Wii/Ds/PsP/PS/Xbox. So Pan-Games in General are more likely to work like Pc-Games (Toggleable Fullscreen/Window-Mode, Advanced Settings, twinkering with config Files etc.), rather than the...
  3. Kimundi

    Video Cable/connector

    Let me just Quote myself here:
  4. Kimundi

    Why No Vga?

    Because the OMAP3 Chipset offers it for free. It has a Digital Video Out that drives the LCD, and an analog one that can either act as composite out or s-video out.
  5. Kimundi

    Dosbox Fun

    After reading this thread I just downloaded and installed the latest version of dosbox, and without even knowing how to use it or what cycles are, I can see that they are listed in the title bar of the window of dosbox. ;)
  6. Kimundi

    Pandora Cube

    Well, the at least the iControllPad was around way before th Preorder. <_<
  7. Kimundi

    Pandora Cube

    I definitly like this idea for the usage as a low-power allways-on pc/light server. Just make the Case somewhat unversally usable, eg: -VESA-mounting holes -Enought room for USB-Addons or alternativly some way to permanently attach a custom made board containing these. And @craigix: Would you...
  8. Kimundi

    Pandora As A Pda

    I can't give you an official confirmation, but it was stated that the RTC could wake it from Suspend to Ram, which the pandora is able to sustain for several weeks, so...
  9. Kimundi

    Can The Pandora Run A Virtual Machine?

    Well, THEORETICAL you could port Wine to ARM and then meld it with QEMU in such a way that only the x86 app runs with QEMU, while wine and all its libaries are running in native arm code. Or, in other words: Let's run everything we have a sourcecode for directly on the ARM.
  10. Kimundi

    Would displaylink be much fun for Pandora?

    But unlike a Ipod, PSP or cellphone,the Pandora is a full-fledged Computer. Compare it to someone who connects his Desktopmonitor to his Laptop to have more screen area.
  11. Kimundi

    EeePC-Webcam anschließen/dranmodden

    Ich meine mal gehört zu haben, dass man auch die Datenleitung kappen sollte, da die unter umständen stromziehen könnten wenn keine betriebsspannung angelegt ist.
  12. Kimundi

    Would displaylink be much fun for Pandora?

    I give you two reasons why a Beagleboard is not a better solution for a Pandora + USB High-Def Output: 1. Acording to Chip (gp32x), there are Displaylinks Devices for 50$, so you would have to pay 100$ more just for the DVI Output. 2. A Beagleboard may have a Dvi Output, but It lacks a Battery...
  13. Kimundi

    Power Connector?

    It will ship with its own
  14. Kimundi

    Where Can I Get Pandora Analogue Joysticks?

    Maybe a small Microcontroller that Emulates the V and H?
  15. Kimundi

    Where Can I Get Pandora Analogue Joysticks?

    Here is a Video of the Nubs: Video I think it is a bit more complicated than just gnd v and h, I think the Nubs even have an own Firmware
  16. Kimundi

    Mini-USB mit OTG Technik?

    Was hast du immer mit den 250 mA? Der USB-Standart sieht 500 mA vor, und so ist es auch bei der Pandora. Und vorsicht mit dem Kommetar hier: Nur, weil ein Gerät ein USB 2.0 Gerät ist, heißt es noch lange nicht dass es auch den High-Speed Modus benutzt, da Technische gesehen Alle drei...
  17. Kimundi

    Mini-USB mit OTG Technik?

    Achja, Pandora und USB... :wink: Die Pandora hat 2 USB Ports: Einen Normalen Host-Port, der im gegensatz zu denen die man zB am Computer vorfindet jedoch nur den USB 2.0 High-Speed Übertragungsmodus (480 MBit/s) unterstützt, nicht jedoch die langsameren Übertragungsmodi Full- und Low-Speed...
  18. Kimundi

    The Final Countdown *Update 30.4.*

    Das einzige Problem dass du in der Hinsicht hättest, wäre dass du links und rechts einen 80 pixel breiten schwarzen Rand hättest und man den Bildschirm somit nicht ganz benutzen würde, aber kein halbwegs vernüftiger emulator wird einen dazu zwingen ein 4:3 Seitenverhältnis auf 800x480 gestreckt...
  19. Kimundi

    Release First prodcution samples of Pandora keymat

    It's unfortunate they didn't put one currency symbol more into that side of the keyboard, the way it is now, I only have two "never-going-to-be-typed-by-my-own-hand" Symbols to map to my "äöü" :P
  20. Kimundi

    The Discussion HyperCube - Now in 4D!

    All I want is a A4 Sized E-Paper Screen. Connected over USB. To my Pandora. (In this case the "Not fast enought for an auxilarity Display"-Bandwith of the USB port wouldn't even matter that much)