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    Mame Gp2x 4.6

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    Mame Gp32 2.0 Released!

    Actually the game I was thinking of was this one... I remember having a little difficulty getting the controls right, as it combines an analogue spinner control for firing and digital controls directional movement. See if you can get it working, I'm sure...
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    Mame Gp32 2.0 Released!

    Hi slaanesh, Firstly I'd like to say thankyou for continuing the great work started by Franxis. If you don't know who I am, then I'm the guy that helped out Franxis improve Mame on the GP32, in particular I was keen to add Star Wars to the game list, but I did a fair bit after that aswell as I...
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    Goodbye For A While

    Well today was my last day at work, I handed my notice in on Monday and 5 days later I'm off (it was great to have so much holiday left to take). I'm moving out of my house on Tuesday and that'll be when the big adventure start, as I'm going travelling around the world with my fiancee. This is...
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    Cyclone Core Integrated On Mame Gp32 !!!

    Just played the original Pang game on Mame, never played it before. It's quite nice apart from the fact that the screen isn't wide enough.
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    I Just Ordered A Gp32

    Has anyone pointed you in the direction of what is now commonly referred to as "The Pencil Trick" I've not tried it myself, but people say it's real easy to get your machine running at 200 Mhz using that.
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    Batch Tool For Encoding Gp32 Videos

    I once wrote a friendly front-end for the Archos encoder, which is in itself a friendly front-end for VirtualDub. The Archos encoder is available here... If you want my front-end that allows you do easy batch processing of the Archos...
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    Please Report Mame Gp32 1.6 Bugs !

    NOTE: Excuse me if I'm teaching you how to suck eggs here, but I don't know what level of PC knowledge you have.... Thanks for the "screen shot" of your options page. That tells me that you're definitely not running 1.6 (there are more options in that version). It looks like you've installed...
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    How To Get Only Working Roms For Gpmame

    Aha, found it, this is what you want. It's A little tool from the great EvilDragon. It uses the gamelist.txt file. mentioned by horn, to copy across only the relevent ROM files. Get it here...
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    How To Get Only Working Roms For Gpmame

    Use a program like clrmamepro and point it at the .dat file in released zip. Franxis should have removed any games from the .dat file that are not supported on the GP32.
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    I Just Ordered A Gp32

    I have no problem at all with your comments BaDToaD, they just reminded me of the few times I've cringed when I've seen some of the more experienced people shooting noobs down. I think I'll fire back at them next time I see someone being unreasonable.
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    I Just Ordered A Gp32

    I really wish people wouldn't do that, we were all noobs once. Some of us like to help out the noobs, whereas others like to frighten them off (what is the point in that?). I know people should search the forums, but sometimes you get a more accurate answer to your question by creating a new...
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    I Just Ordered A Gp32

    If you want to develop software for the GP32 then you don't need to wait for it to arrive. You can write your code and then test it using geepee32, it's slow but it does accurate emulate a GP32 on a windows PC. Head over the development forums and look for advice on there...
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    Track & Field - High Score Competition

    It's been suggested that we have a High Score competition for Track & Field, so I'll have a quick run through the game to put down some starting figures 100m = 8.77 secs Long Jump = 9.31m Javelin = 85.50m 110m Hurdles = 11.50secs Hammer = 76.63m High Jump = 2.38m Well, that wasn't too bad...
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    Where Can I Get Euro Firmware From?

    Isn't a FLU identical in every way to a NLU, just with a bulb on it to light up the front screen? I would've thought they'd use the same firmware.
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    Please Report Mame Gp32 1.6 Bugs !

    I mean select the options "Use Old Gfx Core" and "Save Config" (so it remembers your options) for that particular game. This will run that game with the older graphics core (from version 1.3 I think) which is needed for a small number of games. Nearly everything runs better with the "New Gfx...
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    Mame Requests, If Possible...

    1. I don't know anything about a speed hack for Ms. PacMan. I do know that there are options in a lot of game for various hidden switches to be flipped, possibly putting the games in to some sort of cheat mode. I don't think the ability to flip these switches will added in the near future. 2...
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    Please Report Mame Gp32 1.6 Bugs !

    I think this has been noted before by Franxis, but at least some versions work.
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    Please Report Mame Gp32 1.6 Bugs !

    Thanks for that rygar, that's the sort of information we developers need. It's probably 'cos you've "only" got 6 games, I never tested it with just a few ROMs. I'll investigate if/when I get time.
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    Hypersports Controls

    I used to ace the clay shooting everytime, 7200, but now it's trickier with the smaller screen and joystick controls. And I like the challenge, maybe we should start a competition (scores can be verified with the save files). I've now got down to 8.97 secs in 100m, but I can't match 97m in the...