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  1. T

    Can Anyone Recommend Some Must Play Mame Games?

    I've just done some changes to the driver for Track and Field and for Hyper Sports, so B is Left, A is Right and Select is "Fire". I hope you approve of this, I think it makes it easier to play. Also I've made both games work with the joystick, which has enabled me to get some pretty awesome...
  2. T

    Mame 1.5 Released

    Thanks. I'm quite pleased with how it's come out, as it's quite quick too (once the initial game list has been loaded up). I think it's faster than some of the original fxes, especially the Classics one which took ages to open. If you add/delete any ROMs on your card, press the "Start" +...
  3. T

    Repeating Games

    Ah, you mean the Windows graphical front end for Mame. Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. What I'm really looking for is a text file listing the games which are clones. I'm hoping I could integrate this into the new Mame frontend and give an option to hide any clone games (if the original is there).
  4. T

    Repeating Games

    I'm trying a few of the many (over 700) games that are available for Mame and I've noticed that there are often a few versions of the same game, just with different names. Does anyone have a list of "the" game to play for each version, this would save a lot of space on the SMC card and get rid...
  5. T

    Problems With Drmd

    It makes sense that "real" batteries will work better. The GP32 is designed to work from a 3V power supply, but with rechargeables you're only supplying 2.4V, which means you're running at 80% of the recommended voltage.
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    Mame Gp32 On The Compatibility Lists

    You should have a new email. Thanks for adding the support matrix Clare, it's a very useful site (it would be even better if more people contributed, come on everyone).
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    Mame Gp32 On The Compatibility Lists

    I can give you a list of games that are "available" for Mame, but I can't tell you which ones work well and which ones don't.
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    GP32 How Atari Vector Graphic Games Were Added To Mame.

    I was just doing a few additional updates to Mame and noticed I'd missed off a couple of items from this guide (I'm still using this guide to make sure I don't miss anything) It should have read... 1. Find all calls to malloc and replace with gm_zi_malloc 2. Find all calls to free and replace...
  9. T

    Download Mame Gp32 1.4!

    Thanks ED. Has anyone else had trouble with Missile Command in v1.4 ? I've just noticed the graphics seem a bit screwy.
  10. T

    Download Mame Gp32 1.4!

    BREAKING NEWS...... In the last 10 minutes I finally got the menu system working for Mame. It really does make it a lot more user friendly to play. It's quite quick too once the list of available games has been saved to the SMC. I've got around 700 games and the menu pops up in about 2...
  11. T

    Console Mame

    If you have a PC you could emulate Pinball Tables too. Visual Pinball is pretty impressive. I've had some nice "nostalgia moments" using that. It takes some setting up, but once it's working it's awesome (needs a fairly powerful PC though)
  12. T

    Does The Following Mean I Have A Bad Rom-set?

    Have you searched through the clrmame.dat file for "crush" and compared the contents of your zip file to the list of files listed in there?
  13. T

    Does The Following Mean I Have A Bad Rom-set?

    It probably is a ROM problem. Unfortunately the error messages "wrap" around to the next page, so you'll have lost what the real problem is. Try getting a different ROM, or ideally using CLRMamePro to "fix" your ROMs
  14. T

    Download Mame Gp32 1.4!

    Well, it's almost correct but not quite :D What you should actually be changing is %d to 255 not % to 255. So in your example the correct line would be: x_sensitivity=1;y_sensitivity=255; For information: %d means a number in a formatted string used in C, %s is for strings and %f for...
  15. T

    Does The Following Mean I Have A Bad Rom-set?

    Can you give us anymore details? Does it complain about checksums in the ROM files? If you could give us the full error message, I might be able to tell you more.
  16. T

    Download Mame Gp32 1.4!

    Yup, that's because tempest rev 3 is loaded from the file and therefore uses as the configuration file. Similarily Tempest (rev 2) = and Tempest (rev 1) = and
  17. T

    Gameprobe32: Finally Some New Posts! :)

    It really is a good site, I only found it a few days ago. It'll be even better with links to the downloads area (and vice-versa of course).
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    Travelling Blog Site

    My better half has just suggested this one to me:
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    Travelling Blog Site

    Hello again everyone, As you've all been so helpful to me, I thought I'd ask for a bit more advice, this time for something not related to the GP32 at all. I was wondering if anyone would be able to suggest a good "blog" type service (not really sure what a blog is :lol: ) that I could use...
  20. T

    Going Travelling

    Wow, thanks for all the help everyone. That's a lot of help in such a short time. If I've read all this right, it looks like best options (that will delete unwanted files are): COMI Slubman's Explorer GPFM v2 I'll be checking these out soon, Cheers everyone PS I really like your site...