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  1. P

    GP32 New minigp32 dev environement is coming

    With Bille2 we worked on e new version of this GCC environement under windows. what's new : -GCC 3.2.2 -C++ compilation alowed -SDL libs from gp32-sdl website added this ready to use package is going to be released soon. stay tuned :)
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    GP32 SDL-GP32 Beta2 Released

    Thanks for your great work Chui. Congratulation, go on like that :)
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    GP32 Problems with the Debian cross toolchain

    my tuto is nearly finished....i must translate it. but first of all you should call the SDL lib before gpstdio sorry don't have much time to look to your log. i'll come back soon
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    GP32 Crosscompiling and SDK's?

    check the error from libc. if it happens when the makefile call b2fxec try to replace it by bin2fxe. i'm going to write a mini howto to install correctely gcc arm cross compiler under unix systems. well i succeed on my gentoo distrib, so i believe it is possible under debian. for the other...
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    i find the brithness enough. Doom is really very playable. Thnx Craig for your work. i'm in a hurry that you fix the saving pb.
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    Coding Competitions

    Great news ! :) I suppose that only games can be registred for the contest... Too bad for me ;) GPART would have been a good soft :rolleyes: I did not find any infos on your website, Craig. thnx for organising this contest !
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    GP32 Using Linux for developing GP32 apps

    I saw around here or on yahoo gp32 dev's mailing list some other guys who want to code under linux. I dunno if they succeed. But it would be great, if you succeed or someone else to have GCC compiling for GP32 running under linux to put a package online or a tuto. It would be easier for newbee...
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    GPart V1.5 is HERE!!

    If u find any bugs ( and there are some because it is a beta ) report them i will try ti fix them. But , plz, look at the read me.txt to know how to use the soft. Read the messages infos of the toolbox to know how to use each tool. i'm drawing with it without any pb.
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    Yes the saves are quite unstable. I succeed having them working, on doom1&2. But, suddenly they don't work anymore. Now i can't load any of my old saved game. it freeze the screen. i told craigX about that sometime ago. He knew about the pb and he's trying to fix it.
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    well, as you can see it goes fast :) now you can trace: -3 lines of various sizes. - a rectangle fills or empty - a circle fills or empty the pot of painting works, I attached it so that it fills of surfaces limited by a black...
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    GP32 GpTextOut16...

    then write a simple "hello world !" in 16 bpp with only one surface and look if it works. It will answer you if it comes from your code or from a bad configuration of the environement :)
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    GP32 GpTextOut16...

    and what about your makefile ? You added the lgpfont16 ? If all that is good, i wonder if it is not a wrong surface where you are trying to write. It would explain the good compilation I'm using GCC and i use GpTextOut16 with no pb..... So it is probably in your code.
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    GP32 GpTextOut16...

    did u add to your gplib directory : libgpfont16.a ? how many surfaces do you have ? Did you try : GpTextOut16(NULL, &gpDraw[0], 10, 10, (char*)"some test text...", 0); the gpfont16.h must be with all the other gp include file. Have you modify your makefile to compile the libgpfont16.a ? like...
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    GPART 1.0 released

    get it here : post here if you have any remarks or wishes. Have fun ! :)
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    GP32 minigp32 setup

    I would be glad to help you on miniGP32 settings if you tell more about what happened, wich error do you have etc.... miniGP32 is simple to use.
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    GP32 GP 32 <-> Linux

    1) Here the linker tool for linux 2) you have GCC installed on linux ( if you chose it ), you have to turn it into GP32 dev ( ARM9 + grab the lib and include for GP32 for GCC). i think there is some tuto on the net. I can't help you much on...
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    GP32 Windows Bitmap Loader

    thank you very much ! this is going to help many of us ! thanx again :)
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    GP32 math.h with Gp32

    to use the include math.h in GCC, you have to declare the lib in your makefile : -lm add it here : LDBASEFLAGS = -Tlnkscript -lgpfont -lm -lgpstdlib -lgpos -lgpgraphic -lgpstdio -lgpsound -lgpmem exemple with a makefile in miniGP32 now #include <math> allow u to use math function. For sinus...
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    GP32 making Makefiles...

    yes, you can use any text editor you like. notepad is good. then you save the file with no extension as you said : ex "makefile" you can use visualmin-gw in minigp32 package wich create automaticly a makefile for your project. there is a tuto on installing it on -->...
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    GP32 What do I need

    For an easy GCC developpement environement, you have minigp32 package made by Bille2 you cand find it here : it contains the compiler, a powerfull editor wich can be used to compile ( Scite), and a gui to join files and make a makefile file (...