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  1. C

    Sorry for the idleness, folks. I'm working on another big project right now, and it is finally...

    Sorry for the idleness, folks. I'm working on another big project right now, and it is finally done! Check it out:
  2. C

    What are you developing?

    I've a few things in development: An updated Elemental game with actual graphics and sound. An action/adventure game with procedurally generated content and user-creatable powers. A graphics tool for game making: tile maker, animation tool with onionskinning and decent drawing functions...
  3. C

    What Are You Playing On Your Pandora At The Moment?

    Meritous (mapping out those rooms where it crashes, it is otherwise a pretty cool game) Goldeneye 64 (I've gotten to the Silo) Oodles of NES and SNES games Elemental (making more rooms) Python (well, it's more like a game... MAKER), working on a supersecret project or two.
  4. C

    Unique Hardware Id

    Couldn't you write a program that gets the SD Card ID, have the user run it to get the code. They send the code back to the company, then they download a version of the game that only works on that SD Card? Seems like one way to do it. I seem to recall a few companies doing something like...
  5. C

    Lost The ´log Off´ Dialog Box

    Excellent. I've been maxxing out my battery usage every day because I couldn't properly shut down. For some reason my session manager would hang as I shut down. I just turned 'sudo shutdown -h now' into a script. That'll help immensely. Thanks!
  6. C

    Beta Snes9X4D4P - Another New Build, Now With Hi Res And New Rom Picker

    Yeek. I assume that the slider doesn't change the actual speed until you click on OK, right? Otherwise this is bad mojo... Are there any other speeds we should avoid because of a similar issue?
  7. C

    The usual I cancel and you suck compilation

    I think the fact that he was trying to drag down other customers makes Craig's response totally justifiable. I have a nubless pandora... and honestly you want this thing as soon as possible. If you cancel and decide to change your mind later, you will be sorry you ended up further down the...
  8. C

    Beta Elemental Rooms!

    The .pnd for this is now up on the Appstore! Elemental 0.2 There are several more rooms, and some rooms are a bit more detailed than before. See if you can get to the last room! (the last few are pretty tough)
  9. C

    Release Elemental 0.2 Released

    Elemental 0.2 is up on the app store: Elemental a platformer/puzzle game Designed by chaosmage ------------------------------------- There are three modes in Elemental: New Game/Resume Game This is the basic set of rooms...
  10. C

    Remap Gaming Buttons Within Xfce

    I just tried it as well, I didn't change the file's name either. I grabbed the mapping from here: And replaced the entries on Home and End (somewhere around 83 or so) and no dice. The Home and End keys still function as Home and End, even...
  11. C

    Wifi Clicking Sound

    I hear it too! I was wondering what that was... I was sure the Pandora didn't have any moving parts.
  12. C

    Unbricking My Pandora

    Gah, just got this issue (Edit: where it booted to a black screen and blinking cursor and then wouldn't do anything) last night... fixed by reinstalling the firmware. And then when I loaded, it renamed the 1st SD card to something like _PNG(and two symbols). Which kept me from reading that SD...
  13. C

    Remapping The Mouse Buttons, Etc?

    Here's a thread about it, but I am too much of a Linux newb to understand it:
  14. C

    Your Favourite Pandora Moment So Far...

    Sure, but that requires a good deal more storage space to run Ubuntu. I snagged the Gimp .pnd file that was made and it seems to work fine. I'd love to see openoffice wrapped in the same manner.
  15. C

    Beta Elemental Rooms!

    Actually, the best sand game I've seen is this one: Sooo many kinds of elements, and it has a little player character too. Yes, Pandora should be able to handle more tiles, but not in my engine. I am not much of a programmer, and I'm using Python, which...
  16. C

    Beta Elemental Rooms!

    Fire + water should make steam... I think the water goes to 'boiling water' first, then to steam... it's easier to get steam with lava + water. There is a Lava powerup too, so I figured a controlled fire element would be redundant (you'll see it in later rooms). If you think it would have some...
  17. C

    Beta Elemental Rooms!

    Actually, I'm pretty close to pegging the processor at this point - check some of the waterfall levels, the elements move pretty slow. I have the character input and movement locked at 60fps, and the elements use 'extra' cycles - that's what makes it feel smooth. What I plan to do are some...
  18. C

    The Youtube Video Thread!

    Some more videos of my favorite fighting game, Street Fighter Alpha 3. Arcade and the GBA version. I am currently uploading the GBA version to that account, it'll be live once it finishes uploading.
  19. C

    The Youtube Video Thread!

    Goldeneye on Pandora - I don't think anyone has shown it yet:
  20. C

    Your Favourite Pandora Moment So Far...

    ^This! More data is required. I figured the first we'd see of openoffice is as a pnd. I didn't think it'd fit on the nand. Here's something else I didn't expect either that is definitely in my top ten 'moments':