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  1. M

    'klik' Games For Gp32

    I checked on some forums and aparently it doesn't actually need that much CPU, but MMF automatically grabs as much of the CPU as is free, so if you have no other programs running it will take about 99% CPU, with other programs running, it will take whatever's left. There are extensions to make...
  2. M

    'klik' Games For Gp32

    OH MY GOD! If this actually comes out, I will be in absolute heaven. I love MMF. I was going to swap my GP for a Zodiac, but now I'm gonna keep both just in case this ever does come out. Yes, it appears everyone who commented on The Daily Click is an idiot. They seem to think the GP32 hasn't...
  3. M

    Uk Ds Launch

    To get back on topic, here is some amazing news: If you can't be bothered to read it, in summary, it says 600,000 DSes were sold in Europe in just three days! That is faster than it sold in America and Japan! Pokemon Dash and Polarium conmpletely sold out. Hopefully Europe won't be the last...
  4. M

    Uk Ds Launch

    So it takes you 2 or 3 hours to get a 2 hour movie onto your PSP? And why exactly don't you just watch it in that time? Seems like an awful lot of unnecessary effort. That's completely untrue. Nintendo have never said the DS is targetted at a younger audience, in fact they are constantly...
  5. M

    Uk Ds Launch

    I'm not spouting crap at all. It is a fact that it will be more expensive than the DS, and it is a fact that you need to re-encode movies to play them on it (and we all know how much trouble everyone has with GP32 videos).
  6. M

    Uk Ds Launch

    I think the DS will be big here, I've heard masses of people who I'd never expect talking about it, and everyone seems to know what it is. I personally don't think the PSP will sell too well here, since a) It will be too expensive to be truly mass-market, B ) The whole movies and music side is...
  7. M

    Preparing Romsets For Mame

    Sweet, I was looking for something like this, thanks a lot.
  8. M

    Good Bye Ds

    I completely agree, I couldn't give a damn what other people buy, the only reason I posted at all in this thread is because some jackass titled it "Good bye DS, piece of crap" just because some games which have never been announced haven't come out yet.
  9. M

    Good Bye Ds

    Yes, we are suggesting you think better graphics makes better gameplay, whereas we believe it doesn't.
  10. M

    Good Bye Ds

    No one thinks that, they just think better graphics doesn't mean better gameplay.
  11. M

    Old School Gaming Quiz

    I got 22.
  12. M

    Good Bye Ds

    How so? I stated some complete facts which discredited what you said. That's lame how? Because we have enough brain cells to be able to play a game without just going "Ooooh look at da pweety colours!" Doom 3 is crap and is thus not worth playing. If you say it's crap and yet still play it...
  13. M

    Good Bye Ds

    That's not what counts at all. Unless you're playing inside a carboard box, you're going to have plenty of space for the DS, so it makes no difference when you're playing. What matters is how much space it takes up when you are carrying it around, ie. when it's closed. Admittedly I don't have...
  14. M

    Good Bye Ds

    That's just so wrong it's not even funny. The DS is practically the same size as a psp when closed. The PSP is wider, the DS is slightly taller and thicker. PSP screens are extremely easy to damage, I've even seen pictures of display units in glass cases with damaged screens. The DS can...
  15. M

    Good Bye Ds

    Is it actually impossible for a company to have two different products out at the same time?
  16. M

    Good Bye Ds

    Congratulations, your penis is a lot bigger than mine because you refuse to play anything without killing in it. Out of the list of announced DS games on Gamespot, I managed to pick out 11 which would be targetted mainly at kids. And the majority of them I'd play anyway.
  17. M

    Oooo.. F Day News!

    What the hell could the Netword Options be?
  18. M

    Exotic/rare Systems

    Sweet, got any pictures of it running? Is it front lit or backlit?
  19. M

    Anyone Have Xbox Live Through Blue Yonder?

    First, make sure you have an ethernet port on the back of your PC. Then you'll need to buy an ethernet crossover cable (make sure it's a crossover one, not just a normal one). Plug that in the xbox and the PC, then use Internet Connection Sharing to share your connection with the xbox. You can...
  20. M
