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  1. T

    I want to install Ubuntu in my pandora.

    Hello everybody , I'm new with my pandora. I'm french. I want to install Ubuntu on my pandora. How can i install it ? Explain me in details please. Thanks in advance.
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    Ubuntu For Pandora

    I want to install Ubuntu in my pandora. how can i do ?
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    Another Pandora Hits Ebay!

    Hello, I buy now your pandora if you cancel it on ebay. Thanks.
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    N900 Bluetooth Pan And Pandora

    How can i do for activate Bluetooth pan ( for 3g ) on N900 to work with pandora to connecte on internet ? Who want to help me please ? Thanks in advance.
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    How Can I Have Fullspeed + Sound For Zelda Ocarina Of Time On Mupen64P

    Hello, Which settings to give the mupen64plus emulator for the game Zelda ocarina of time turns at fullspeed + sound ? Please send me your mupen64plus pnd files ( PM me please ). Thanks in advance.
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    Webcam On Pidgin ?

    Who want to make (python to pnd file ) aMSN for pandora ? Thanks for your help Pleng.
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    How To Install Quake 3 On Pandora ?

    Hello, I donwload Quake3 NanoGL pnd file. I have quake 3 cd at home. How can i install on my pandora please... explain me ... Thanks in advance.
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    Webcam On Pidgin ?

    Hello, I have logitech c200 webcam , a pandora and pidgin application. Logitech c200 work with mplayer ( offline ). How can i get work my webcam online on pidgin or others applications ( msn or skype apps with wifi ) ? Anyone help me please. Thanks in advance.
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    Change Password In Pandora System

    hello, I want to change my password in pandora system. how can i do it please ?
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    P7Zip For Pandora

    Hello, I have pandora. I install upx ( upx-3.05-Os-upx-pandora.tar.gz) and p7zip ( p7zip_9.13-Os-upx-pandora.tar.bz2 ). I want to extract my files in sd directory " 7z files". What is the command line to extract my files please ? on pandora in terminal. help me... thanks
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    Beta (De)Compressors

    Hello, I have pandora. I install upx ( upx-3.05-Os-upx-pandora.tar.gz) and p7zip ( p7zip_9.13-Os-upx-pandora.tar.bz2 ) from links. I want to extract my files in sd directory " 7z files". What is the command line to extract my files please ? thanks
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    Arghh - Have To Sell My Pandy

    Who want to sell me this pandora ?
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    Arghh - Have To Sell My Pandy

    Interested . PM Sent. (I send you money by Paypal if you want )
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    Who Want To Sell Me His Pandora ?

    I want to buy a pandora. Who want to sell me his pandora ? ( a person who has already received )