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  1. Z

    GP2X Anyone Interested In Testing My First Game.

    Works fine here! A "speed button" would be nice tho, to move the bucket faster.. otherwise, simple and fun game. :)
  2. Z

    Flying Shark Compatibility

    Just check that you DON'T get a SDHC card, but a normal SD card, since SDHC (new standard for larger cards) is not supported (yet).
  3. Z

    When Will The Xgp Be Officially Considered Vaporware? (I hope I got the URL tag thingies right) It says XGP but doesn't mention gamepark tho, so it might be another product with the same name.. There's no mention of gamepark in the gp2x info either on the other hand ;)
  4. Z

    When Will The Xgp Be Officially Considered Vaporware?

    I thought it was already released? There's even a store here in sweden that sells them (altho I never tried actually ordering one). They don't usually sell vaporware, so I'm a bit surprised to read about XGP not being released at all..
  5. Z

    Which Filesystem On Sd Card Do You Use?

    IIRC, a FAT16 disk uses less space for the FAT, leaving more available space for files. FAT32 on the other hand can handle larger disks, larger files and higher number of files.. There is no FAT8 that I know of, only FAT12. :P
  6. Z


    I asked for nothing but got some anyways. A pot (for flowers) and a fleece blanket. Managed to almost completely diss christmas this year. Yay for me. \o/
  7. Z

    OpenSNES9x Unstable?

    Are you overclocking, and if so how much?
  8. Z

    LOTR 3

    In what way? Because my taste is not the same as yours?
  9. Z


    What exactly do you need to do besides select a game and start it?
  10. Z

    LOTR 3

    I don't see what the big deal is. The books was lousy and thefirst two movies was just about worth a theatre ticket. I doubt ROTK is worth much attention at all imo.
  11. Z

    Do you need Smart Cards to upload ROMS to your GP?

    it's smart media card, not smartcard. smartcards are similar to telephone cards.
  12. Z

    GP32 games worth buying...

    I totally agree, Pinball Dreams so rocks it's worth getting a GP32 just for that game :D But Little Wizard comes in a good second place imo.. Haven't tried any of the Korean games tho.. Any recommendation for someone who doesn't know one word Korean?
  13. Z

    so cute that I must puke.

    Cute, but where is the NES?! And C64? :P
  14. Z

    Couple of various Video Game Questions...

    YES? Space Invaders or maybe Asteroids (or whatever the original title was) is probably the most ported games ever. I can't believe Street fighter is even mentioned.. :D
  15. Z

    Which Type Of Friend Is Your Woman/Man?

    that's what I said when I saw your sig pic :D Couldn't you have found something bigger? :P Anyways, the text has an error; You CAN live without Windows, I do it just fine.
  16. Z

    The best games on GP32?

    Pinball dreams, Little wizard, Doom, Gravity force, XRick.. On the emulator side; Little john, fGB, Frodo and ScummVM
  17. Z

    PC Fans...

    The computer doesn't have to be -20 degrees to work well you know.. my CPU is at 35-40 degrees I think, well within the limits, and the whole computer only makes a soft hum. Large low-RPM fans is the way to go. :D
  18. Z

    PC Fans...

    Must be overclocked like hell :>
  19. Z

    PC Fans...

    10 fans..?! Let's see, one in the PSU, one on the CPU, one in the front, one in the rear, one on the gfx card.. That's 5 fans max I can think of in a computer, where's the rest? :P I only have 3 fans, PSU, front and CPU, and I hardly hear them :D
  20. Z

    Darnit :(

    If you can afford it, get Windows 2000, NOT XP. It's in second place after ME in the list of crappy systems imo. :>