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  • Users: SyruM
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  1. S

    Been missing from the forums, status on emulators?

    Thanks for the info dude ^^ much appreciated, and it sounds good!! I remember a LOT of hard work going into the N64 emulator :D Lets hope Zodttd has not dropped off the radar ;)
  2. S

    Been missing from the forums, status on emulators?

    Hi Everyone, Im sure Im leaving myself open to be flamed from various sources or whatever, but never hurts to ask. Ive been very busy over the past few weeks/months and have not been able to do more then the occasional glance at (whilst waiting for mine to arrive ofc!...)...
  3. S

    The Five Minute Shoulder Button Fix

    I hear a lot of complaints about the shoulder buttons on newly arriving Pandora's, and a few complaints about the nubs... but I dont think Ive heard much feedback on then when they are fitted and working AS EXPECTED lol... My only worry is (for a lack of a better way to discribe it) you cannot...
  4. S

    Tell Us Non-Snes Guys What The Best Of Snes Are :)

    This is actually a list all the games you can think of on the snes thread O.o lol. For me these games are fantastic, although all mentioned I expect: Terranigma : Action RPG zelda-esc, my fav game on the snes and 1 of the reasons I ordered a pandora, best ending of any game I played on that...
  5. S

    Do Any Of You Have Regrets?

    I totally agree with Drack also. I have to admit I dont know much about the open source handheld scene, I am literally getting my feet wet with the pandora so I am new to this, devs, previous open source handhelds, and otherwise, so my opinions are of a person outside looking in... Reading the...
  6. S

    Wip Builds On The Pandora?

    I think ppl in this forum can sometimes get their pants in a twist over small things :blink: maybe reading too much into it? I personally dont care if its put on the pandora app page or not... I have done software testing in the past for a profession and doubt I am the only one in this...
  7. S

    Wip Builds On The Pandora?

    Hello Everyone :) I know all the core pandora devs are still busy with the OS and bug fixes, and a lot of the other devs are probably waiting for units to arrive, but when looking on the pandora wiki there are a lot of projects that are near completion or have working builds. What are the...
  8. S

    What Is Likely To Be Ready When The Pandora Is Released?

    I think I am a way back in the queue also and tbh, the Pandora will be my first open-source device so this is all new to me, including the community based development :) My other friends who have other devices tell me community's and releases really pick up in the initial months of a devices...
  9. S

    What Is Likely To Be Ready When The Pandora Is Released?

    Sweet! ofc the OS comes above everything else lol, it is looking great :D Dont worry I was under no illusions about the project and the fact that a lot of stuff is WIP :) its more a case of me looking through the projects under development on the wiki and thinking "great! cant wait! I wonder...
  10. S

    What Is Likely To Be Ready When The Pandora Is Released?

    Hello folks :D As I said I did have a search of the forums and wiki links and think it may have been bought up before, so sorry if that is the case... But with the release getting very close now, what can we expect will be ready for us to play in terms of ports and emulators when the Pandora...
  11. S

    Any Plans For Future Pandora Improvements?

    In the end you can see from my number of posts that I am not full of hopeless praise for the Pandora, I own the PSP and DS but am looking forward to recieving my pandora (probably in January realistically). Having praise for the product doesnt make me braindead, I just have a different opinion...
  12. S

    Any Plans For Future Pandora Improvements?

    Without the first batch there would not be a second end of story, and if upgrades were made Im very sure Craig would not alienate the people that partly made pandora possible in the first place (the community and people who ordered) So no... ordering from the first batch would not be retarded...
  13. S

    Release Fheroes2

    That looks great! Someone must have read my mind as I was thinking how great it would be to have the HOMM games running on the pandora... What are the chances of getting Heroes 3 running in the same state? :o
  14. S

    Sales Re-order link will have accessories?

    Yeah I think a lot of people are waiting to re-order through the site, Im having problems doing a bank transfer :p guess we have learn banks are nothing but trouble, though I doubt we will loose our place in line. Pandora Team! :D I am at work alot and sometimes internet security goes through...
  15. S

    Release GemRB - Infinity Engine

    I gotta say if you could avoid putting bioware games onto the pandora, it might stop me from ruining my life by playing these games... constantly... and I never got the play planescape! :< *Cheer* for anyone that gets underway with something like this
  16. S

    List of PSX games you plan/hope to play

    Dont really knw where to start so ill list the main ones in no order! -FF7 (ofc) -Alundra -Silent Hill -Resi 2 -Soul Reaver -Oddworld (both :lol: )
  17. S

    Missing Members

    I think for some people it can be a little dawnting to post on a new forum when they don't know people, and as mentioned earlier, forums related to things like complex hardware can be a little elitist. (this forum is ok for the most part ^^) But it can really put people off getting shot down...
  18. S

    Release A quick question

    I dont know if I would want windows on a Pandora anyway, I've had enough with getting fatal errors on PC's without that moving onto hand-helds. If Windows didnt dominate the PC market so much I think everyone would be happier ^_^
  19. S

    Pandora fan fiction

    maybe you should ban him anyway :P the though of a slash fiction Pandora story... :wacko:
  20. S

    Pandora button layout and comfort

    Ok cool thanks for the answers to my question :) Ill try the mock up print out at home where my work network wont block the pages :p