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  1. Beepo

    Media Reports

    Did it tell you that the power supplies have already been sourced from a UK supplier?
  2. Beepo

    Developers Getting Pandaras Before The Customers

    Are the cases finished now then? Edit: Sorry, I couldn't resist...
  3. Beepo

    Media Reports

    The problem here is the continual disappointment and slippage. I just feel it could be managed better. I'm trying to be constructive, not destructive. Everything in business is a continual evolution, you take everything as a lessons learned and improve in it - or stagnate. I was suggesting a...
  4. Beepo

    Media Reports

    People aren't upset now? The team aren't having to explain things now? I think you'll find it's easier if we have a clearer status page, if the current state is transparent then you'll get less people bitching. Every project has slippage, that's why you build in contingency. If the OP team...
  5. Beepo

    Media Reports

    Not really no, you don't really know where we are with things like MP of the boards as there's no comment against it. It would be a simple task to add just a little more detail, don't you think? The MP status is an ideal example, if you go by the status page it looks like the boards have been...
  6. Beepo

    Developers Getting Pandaras Before The Customers

    Sorry to hear that Gerald, I hope it goes well for you.
  7. Beepo

    Release It's Here!

    YEARS ago I worked in sales and one of the things an experienced coworker told me was as follows; 'A happy customer will tell 1 other person about your service/product. An unhappy customer will tell 10' Mind you he was a crack head and AFAIK never preordered a Pandora, so what does he know? ;)
  8. Beepo

    Media Reports

    Maybe the status page needs more detail? Including things like chargers, packaging etc. Also it would be handy to have rough milestones on the status page, i.e. Full CE testing takes x days and expected start date is the Nth December etc. It's just a thought but would sure help to keep the same...
  9. Beepo

    Media Reports

    Agreed. I'm sure there's more than one of us that hasn't got time to read every thread looking for gems like this in the forum. Isn't that what the blog is for? No offence.
  10. Beepo

    Developers Getting Pandaras Before The Customers

    Ahh that's true as well, I forgot about the foil. Anyone know how long the full CE testing takes?
  11. Beepo

    Developers Getting Pandaras Before The Customers

    Thanks for the clarity WizardStan, that's answered my question :)
  12. Beepo

    Developers Getting Pandaras Before The Customers

    Ahh ok. But wouldn't the clear prototype cases have had the same problem still? I know nothing about this but it strikes me as odd and I'd like to understand it better.
  13. Beepo

    Developers Getting Pandaras Before The Customers

    I'm not trolling here but it just occurred to me that if the slot for the screen ribbon was too tight wouldn't/shouldn't this have been picked up in the clear prototype cases? I cannot understand why this has only just become an issue.
  14. Beepo

    One Turntable And A Mike

    How would dragging a window work? The system would think you were double clicking the title bar, which IIRC would maximize the window? Edit - curse my spelling!
  15. Beepo

    One Turntable And A Mike

    Dirty boy!
  16. Beepo

    The Cases

    I reckon that mine will make a good Apache web server to run my dev wiki, which means I'll use it until the information super high street is obsolete =P That is of course once I grow up and stop playing retro games.
  17. Beepo

    The Cases

    Can I charge interest on the money I gave OP over a year ago? JOKING!!!! :P I'm happy to wait until you iron out these last few wrinkles, and congratulations on a job well done so far B) Pandora is just the spark i needed to get me into Linux development (SDL etc) and away from nasty evil...
  18. Beepo

    Octobers New Status, It Means?

    Thanks for that =)
  19. Beepo

    Octobers New Status, It Means?

    Hi everyone, Just wondering how MP of boards could have started if burn in tests of the first 105 boards is still showing as 'currently active'. I searched the site via google 'site:' but couldn't find anything.