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  1. Optimistic

    What Are Your Best Uses For The Wifi?

    I don't know what kind of music you like, but I listen to Radio Paradise and my wife listens to Soma FM station, Bootlicker, for alternative/independent country/bluegrass music. Pretty much any site that has a downloadable m3u file for streaming will work.
  2. Optimistic

    What Are Your Best Uses For The Wifi?

    Internet radio with GMU is fantastic.
  3. Optimistic

    Bennu Tips And Fgp Files?

    Thanks for the tips, Hokutoy but my patience ran out with Bennu. When I can finally find some, the documentation is either bad or in Spanish. The examples are helpful, but in Spanish. And the MAP and FPG images are just annoying. I've decided to learn sdl/c++ instead.
  4. Optimistic

    Bennu Tips And Fgp Files?

    I have. There's nothing there. It has a FAQ with many unhelpful A's, and it eventually links to a the non-existent beginners tutorial.
  5. Optimistic

    Bennu Tips And Fgp Files?

    Can anyone give my some Bennu tips, the beginners guide is gone ( Mostly I'm interested in those fgp files. How do I make them? How do I animate a character if I have the sprites in an fgp file? I already downloaded the bennu pack...
  6. Optimistic

    Selling My Wiz

    I'm selling my Wiz. It's in perfect condition. The stylus isn't included as I lost it, but if I find in during my move in a few weeks, I'll send it to you. eBay auction:
  7. Optimistic

    Canabalt On The Caanoo

    Pretty fun game and runs decently in Vice. I set the frameskip to 2, and overclocked to 750 mHz.
  8. Optimistic

    What Emulated Game Has Most Impressed You?

    I've been impressed with the Scumm games (Maniac Mansion, Full Throttle, etc.) The Caanoo's touchscreen is a lot better than the Wiz's which makes for a much more enjoyable experience.
  9. Optimistic

    What Are Your Favourite 8/16 Bit Soundtracks/songs?

    On the NES: Shadowgate Crystalis Faxanadu Metroid SNES: FFIV Super Metroid
  10. Optimistic

    Final Burn Alpha

    Much thanks for this! It plays all the games I love perfectly (Mars Matrix, Metal Slug, Guwange, etc.).
  11. Optimistic

    Current State Of Emulation

    Thanks for the replies. No FinalBurn Alpha is a let down---I still spend quite a lot of time playing Mars Matrix.
  12. Optimistic

    Current State Of Emulation

    I have a Wiz and like it but I hate the buttons. The d-pad is ok, but the other buttons are too small, too close together, and quite uncomfortable. So, I'm thinking about selling it and picking up a Caanoo. I'm just interested in emulators and all of the ones I have on the Wiz work wonderfully...
  13. Optimistic

    Should I Sell My Wiz For A Caanoo?

    Thanks for the tips. I think I will wait for a little while, but will get one eventually.
  14. Optimistic

    Should I Sell My Wiz For A Caanoo?

    I've read a few of the Wiz vs. Caanoo threads, but I'm still undecided. What I like about the Wiz: good (or great) GBC, NES, Genesis, NeoGeo, FinalBurnAlpha, TG16 emulation; nice screen, decent build-quality. What I don't like: the ABXY buttons; the d-pad is better than the GP2X stick, but...
  15. Optimistic

    Where Is Everybody? Where Are All The Wiz Devs?

    Wiz development is pretty much dead. I was happy to get a better port of the FCEU a while back, however and it was also nice to see a rRootage port. It would be nice if a few of the emulators would be improved. The GBA and the SNES emus need some work to get more games up to full speed, for...
  16. Optimistic

    Most Fun On The Wiz?

    That's tough, but I'd go with: 1. Mars Matrix on FinalBurn Alpha --- Mars Matrix on a handheld is so nice. 2. Wario Land 3 on GBC emu --- The Wiz's screen makes GBC games look great. 3. Pulstar on NeoGeo CD emu --- Again, the Wiz's screen makes all the difference. 4. Dracula X on PCEngine emu...
  17. Optimistic

    Gpfce Update

    Excellent. Thank you!
  18. Optimistic

    Gpfce Update

    Can we get a push L for save state and push R for load state---maybe with a push y to confirm? Pressing both volume keys at the same time and then navigating a menu is annoying.
  19. Optimistic

    Advice On What To Buy

    The OLED screen is a big selling point for the Wiz. Recently I've been playing Gameboy Color games and they look fantastic. The colors are bright and crisp, it's just amazing. I'm sure I'll get a Pandora eventually, but I'm also sure that I'll keep the Wiz.
  20. Optimistic

    A Word Of Advice, About People Thinking Of Bying The Wiz Near The Bene

    File a complaint with PayPal, I did after the site I ordered from didn't send me my Wiz and I got all of my money back. It took about 2 weeks. This works even if it wasn't bought through eBay.