Mars Matrix works just fine for me---and it looks fantastic on the Wiz's screen. I had to use the cache tool to create a fba file, but after that it was perfect. So, it's your ROM. My rom is called and inside the zip there are 14 files: mmx.01, mmx.11m - mmx.20m, mmxu.03 -...
Have you tried loading them after using the cache tool? I had the same problems with Mars Matrix until I converted it to a cache file. The cache tool is in the archive,
What device is the sd card? I tried to do a fdisk -l to see the dev entry, but for some reason that command didn't work.
When I do: mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sd
I get "device not found"
I just did a quick partition/format of an old SD card to ext3 and the Wiz didn't recognize it. Perhaps I made a mistake somewhere, but my computer didn't have any trouble reading the card.
Selling SD cards loaded up with emulators, homebrew games, or freeware demos is perfectly legal, but offering to sell SD cards full of ROMs is quite illegal. Why is this even being discussed here?
Thanks for this---it works a lot better, but for the next version can I pick my own folder for my roms and have the emu remember which folder I picked. I like to keep all my roms in /sd/roms/, not spread all over in the game folders.
It seems like after one round of doing quick and dirty ports of GP2X emulators to the Wiz the development just stopped. Very few of the emulators are optimized for the Wiz, many suffer from the screen-tearing issue and many are lacking features that we had on the GP2X (overclocking...
I use this command with mencoder and it produces good results.
mencoder foo -ofps 23.976 -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=2:bitrate=400 -vf scale=320:-10,expand=320:240 -o new_foo.avi
Cool. Loves me some Super Tux. But could you change the button config. I wasn't exactly sure how it worked the first time and I changed both to the up or down button (don't remember which) on the D-pad which made it impossible to re-change the assignments and impossible to re-enter the game.
XviD works fine for Wiz, so I don't see a need for DivX. Plus, isn't XviD more universally compatible than DivX anyway? XviD is, afterall, free and open source, while DivX is proprietary.
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