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  1. K

    Pandora''s Type Classification

    Define what it is, and what it does, then squeeze it into as few words as possible. Its a linux based, open sourced, handheld computer with video game controls designed to run emulators, and other applications. --------------------------------------- It's a linux based handheld emulator with...
  2. K

    March 13th Is Coming Up.

    Texas, USA Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union CODE They don't give the cost online, and its a local credit union, but they have some pretty awesome fringe benefits. Just today, I emailed them, and found they offer car insurance as well, without trying to sound like a...
  3. K

    March 13th Is Coming Up.

    I skipped the "tranzfers" people completely, they were, in my opinion, a waste of time. I went straight to my bank, asked them how much a wire transfer would cost, they said 8 dollars, I handed them the page I'd received in email from Jacqueline about the UK wire transfer, and had them send it...
  4. K

    Sd Card Power Consumption

    I just like to run my things as optimized as possible, and if omitting the card from the board will cause it to stop sending power to that slot, then I just saved the battery that much more for something that I can actually use, instead of it going nowhere.
  5. K

    Sd Card Power Consumption

    This is the first thing that I've seen that has dual SD slots, and will also be in my pocket without a cover for those slots, meaning that there's now the potential for sand / lint / whatevers in my pocket to get into that open port. So then it comes to mind that I should fill both slots to...
  6. K

    Keeping My Order

    That's pretty much what I was going to say. The difference between the netbook, and the pandora, neverminding the power, is the size. It can do the same things that the netbook can, but it can do it longer, and when you're done, it'll fit in your pocket, and you can walk off with it.
  7. K

    3do Emulator

  8. K

    3do Emulator

  9. K

    3do Emulator

  10. K

    3do Emulator

    A quick googling of FreeDO has returned their website, which then returned their forum, which then lead to the simple post of them announcing the code being returned as open source. Indicating the last steps needed would be for the code itself...
  11. K

    3do Emulator

    I'm certain the pandora has all of the necessary hardware and processing power to achieve full emulation for the 3do system, I'm curious as to if there are any devs who have plans in the works on porting one over to be compatible with the pandora? I've seen nothing on the matter, and it being a...
  12. K

    Anyone Else Here Losing Interest?

    I'm utterly excited and feel like I'll never use it. As I was mentioning to someone yesterday while sitting in the car, I was ranting and raving about how I wasn't going to be able to make rent because I'm getting one of these contraptions. To which I was then asked "What is it, what does it...
  13. K

    When Can The "general Public" Expect To Be Able To Purchase?

    I signed up for the simple little OpenPandora newsletter, but heard nothing of it, and now in the advent of reading over about how preorders are working their way through, I'm just itchin' to know when I'll be able to take my place in line for being able to get my hands on one? And yes, I'd...