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  1. Dan Pora

    How much should I tr yo sell this for? (some random ps2 games)

    I still play mine. Perfect time to buy PS2 games because they're so cheap. I've bought loads over the last 12 months (haven't really got time to play them). I haven't upgraded to the latest generation of consoles yet. Might not even bother until the they have been replaced with the next...
  2. Dan Pora

    Need stylus pen

    8 quid for a piece of plastic. That's ridiculous. I bet if you'd bought the NDS stylus, you could probably have got a pack of three for less.
  3. Dan Pora

    bad battery lid quality?

    I've had the same issue. I probably only removed the battery 3 or 4 times before one of the plastic tabs broke. I was sent a replacement battery cover FOC but now I'm scared to remove the battery unless it happens again. I think generally the quality of the case plastic isn't great. It's far...
  4. Dan Pora

    I take back my comments on duplicate 'A' button...

    No it won't. Anyone can order replacement button and swap them over.
  5. Dan Pora

    What is the main thing you use your Pandora for?

    Emulation mainly. I wasn't really in to retro gaming until I ordered my Pandora. So now I'm playing all those console games I didn't own first time round. I basically grew up with a Sinclair Spectrum, a few PC games, then a Megadrive and now a PS2 which I still play. So missed out on NES...
  6. Dan Pora

    More numbers, late again :) (2011 - 04 - 05)

    I originally ordered in May 2009 and was approximately 1650 - 1750 in the Batch 1 queue. For sometime during the long waiting period I contemplated buying other gadgets including a Wiz, Dingoo, etc just to keep me occupied while I waited for my Pandora. I didn't and kept waiting and waiting...
  7. Dan Pora

    Anyone want to sell his/her Pandora?

    Oh yeah. Good call. Premium Pandora's weren't available then. Doh!
  8. Dan Pora

    Anyone want to sell his/her Pandora?

    Just order a Premium Pandora. I'll be despatched within 7 days!
  9. Dan Pora

    I've broken Minimenu

    Thanks Jeff. Problem fixed. Yeah, if it can be broken, I can break it ;) . All part of the exciting learning curve of Pandora ownership.
  10. Dan Pora

    I've broken Minimenu

    Whilst playing around with Minimenu configuration I hid all the tabs. Thought I'd start with a clean tab and add what I wanted. Anyway, now when I try to use Minimenu, it sits there trying to open the tabs (that are now all hidden) and continuously loops. So the only thing it responds to is a...
  11. Dan Pora

    Text color change in Minimenu?

    I have the same problem and also suffer from red-green colour blindness.
  12. Dan Pora

    Open Pandora LTD - Thank you

    Finally. It has arrived. I have never waited for anything for so long. It is more beautiful than I had ever imagined. It is so cute and dinky, I can't put it down. I almost imagined that I would never really get my hands on a real life Pandora but here it is. My impatience got the better...
  13. Dan Pora

    Did we get different stickers for the premium pandoras

    I'm kinda pissed off with the sticker thing too. Ok I'm not a first day orderer, but I have still been supporting the project with my pre-order for 21 months. I'm not following the forum's every day, but I too only recall seeing reviews and posts from Premium Pandora owners in the last month...
  14. Dan Pora

    Got My Replacement Pandora, A Couple Of Issues

    Why are these issues still getting through Quality Control? There really is no excuse for this at this stage in the process. Craig needs to kick some arses. having said that isn't it Craig that does QC. Sounds like he needs to kick his own arse.
  15. Dan Pora

    Nokia moving to WP7

    I want a new version of the Nokia Communicator. Love the hardware format of the dual screens and dual keyboard, but was never really impressed with Symbian S60 (?). Currently using an HTC Touch Pro 2 with WM6.5 which I can't stand (although it was free which is why I switched from my E90)...
  16. Dan Pora

    Pandora - A Review

    Great review. I can barely contain myself with anticipated excitement. I think I will probably die if I don't get my Pandora soon. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!
  17. Dan Pora

    Is Ebay demand dropping already?

    I was watching this over the weekend. It looks like someone got a bit of a bargain compared to recent prices.
  18. Dan Pora

    Quality Control

    My understanding is that a visual check of the underside of the ABXY button is sufficient to determine whether the button will press correctly. This has been known about since the Pandoras first started shipping, so there is no excuse for not checking these during assembly, other than time...
  19. Dan Pora

    Quality Control

    Just thinking about one friend of mine. When I do get my Pandora and I am showing it off to him, where he may not want to stretch to forking out for a Pandora, he is an iPhone fanboy and I might be able to get him interested in the iControlpad. If he were to find my Pandora a dissapointment...
  20. Dan Pora

    Quality Control

    I didn't realise I had. Go on. Indulge me. :)