Search results

  1. Dan Pora

    Ibm Pc110, The Game-Less Father Of Pandora

    Hahahaha. That's a bit harsh! Why?
  2. Dan Pora

    Ibm Pc110, The Game-Less Father Of Pandora

    I still have a Psion Series 5. What a fantastic device. That form factor would be a perfect 3G PDA/MID/Palmtop computer with today's colour touch screens, 3G, Wifi, Bluetooth, SD card technologies etc. Also doesn't the Toshiba Libretto U105 pretty much replicate the PC110...
  3. Dan Pora

    Usb Otg Adapters - Which Ones, And Where To Get?

    It would be useful if Open Pandora sold the correct cable on the various Pandora websites... ...or is this just stating the obvious (what's the punctuation for a rhetorical question?).
  4. Dan Pora

    Pre-Ordereds And Dev Only Section?

    Please can you add the option "This poll is off topic" ;) Also, hidden forums? That is elitest. Why don't I know about any hidden forums? Now I'm offended. Apologies for the double post.
  5. Dan Pora

    Pre-Ordereds And Dev Only Section?

    Please can you add the option "This poll is off topic" ;) Also, hidden forums? That is elitest. Why don't I know about any hidden forums? Now I'm offended.
  6. Dan Pora

    (To Craig/ed) You're All Going To Hate Me For Doing This

    Exhange rate and weak pound.
  7. Dan Pora

    Mobile Internet

    This thing's a bargain. Only 50 quid for a Pay as you go one from Maplin (if you're in the UK). Bloody hurry up Pandora!!
  8. Dan Pora

    Advice And Help Needed On Pandora

    Maybe the fact that it almost can't be classified is one of the selling points. Portable gaming device / Hand held computer / Mobile Internet Device Whatever you want it to be!!
  9. Dan Pora

    Gemrb Vs. N64

    I voted N64 because I'm an awkward bastard and I don't like RPG's. On the other hand role playing in the bedroom can be quite interesting... (although don't need a Pandora for that) ;)
  10. Dan Pora

    Vectar, Will We See It Again?

    Came across this GP2x demo on youtube the other day includes Vektar at 3.15.
  11. Dan Pora

    My Pandora Preview

    +1 Sorry ignore this. Still trying to work out how to use the forum. Great review though. Thanks for taking the time & thanks ED for letting Balzac2M in to your house.
  12. Dan Pora

    Pandora 2 Concept

    I hate track pads with a passion. Give me a pointing stick on a laptop any day. I'm not a great fan of touch screens as the only method of input either. I've been down the route of touch screens when I bought the O2 XDA a few years back and then moved back to the good old fashioned keyboard. My...
  13. Dan Pora

    Will The Pandora Be Finished And Ship By May Of 2010

    I'm apparently between 1650 & 1750 (Thanks Jacquelyn). I ordered in May. Woohoo!! :D
  14. Dan Pora

    How (And When) Would You Prefer You Pandora?

    I've only been waiting since April so this must be extremely frustating for the people that expected delivery this time last year. I would have probably gone insane by now. It does remind me of when I ordered my Spectrum in 1982 (Yes I am that old). There were massive delays due to unpredicted...
  15. Dan Pora

    What Are The First Few Things You're Gonna Do With/download On You

    Probably Fuse and have a go at JetPac, Lunar Jetman and Fairlight. (That's my era). Then maybe a bit of Galaga and Defender. I'm dying to play these games on a handheld with a decent controller (My last handheld was a Sega Gamegear). Hurry up Pandora. I'm beside myself with excitement!!
  16. Dan Pora

    Emulation Of 8 Bit Computers

    OMG I'm so exicited. This is exactly what I'm buying a Pandora for. I only ordered in April of this year, but the suspense is killing me. Reading through this thread is giving me butterflies. Aaarrggghhhh!!! Where's my Pandora?! ;) (First post by the way. Ecstatic to be on board. Woohoo!!!).