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    Xgp - First Pictures

    Looks pretty cool to me, dunno about practicality... I'll wait and see... Would be really interesting if the screen were touch screen too... That'd make it close to a Tablet...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Neo Geo CD - whooo. On Paternity Leave atm so no time to try any of this out... I'll have to find some Neo Geo CD Roms somewhere then...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Hot shots is Coool.... Love it - but I've got too many games at the moment - I've got three in the last week - CA, HSOT, and Mercury - not played the latter yet...
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    Stupid Questions About Psp Firmware.

    I have to agree - I liked it to start with, but its been really getting on my nerves the last couple of weeks - and its not very stable either... It seems that a lot of the boards talking about psp are getting into the illegal thing - psp-spot for one - although pspupdates (formerly psphacker)...
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    Stupid Questions About Psp Firmware.

    None so far. Coool EvilDragon.... Getting a bit fed up with You'll have to link in Clare's PSP compatibility list on: Its a rewrite of her GP32 compatibility list, after I pointed people at her site for an example of a decent...
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    Bad News For Psp And Ds First Person Shooter Fans

    CA - probably not played it enough yet, but I really like it so far. Only Bad thing about it is the random level design, if you get killed on a level, and haven't saved it then you have to start the level again - BUT the level is completely different. Gonna have to keep the faith though, until...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Hmmm... A quick go on PSPQuake.. shows that the Gp32 version is more polished... BUT the PSP version IS quicker - and looks like it uses widescreen... Needs work on the controls.... and on highlighting stuff in the menus (you have to guess as to where the cursor is)... Also the nub needs to...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    AND Quake is out!!! Quake vs Coded Arms - lets see which is best...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Cooooool - where is it...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Yeah, well - I reckon it'll cope.. They've sold enough units already - I can't see Piracy having that much of an effect on games sales... Anyway... Well coded arms arrived this morning - its good... Needs some tweaking in the control department (which you can do to some extent). I do miss he...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    heehee - must have been typing that as you pressed submit....
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    And NOW - an Amiga emulator.... Info from Argon0 :o
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Who's they use for Shipping... If it was DHL you'll get charged in a couple of weeks. AND they'll add £11 "adminsitration" fee to the charge...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Well, finally I can post with SOME hope of it sticking - after failing to post from my BlackBerry... See if I can remember what the heck I meant to post... Aha: First off - Someone asked for some PSP related Fora - well the two I frequent are: and - PSPCrazy is my...
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    Psp 1.5 Exploit Released

    Have you tried Doom on the PSP yet - it kicks ass - the PSP screen makes it so much better than on Gp32 - although its not full screen yet, and the sound's a bit shitty... Now we need someone to port Quake...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Ah, so you managed to dload them.. Darn - I'll try again tomorrow once I've got my 2nd card here... (p.s. any chance you could e-mail the files to me: argon0[remove] Obviously taking out he [remove] thing. Andy
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    All I can make out from the SNES9X readme is that the eboot.pbp has to go into /PSP/GAMES/SNES9X Can't test it out myself, yet, as only got one card with me... Over at someone is offering the "hacked" versions for dload: And...
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    Psp 1.5 Exploit Released

    It seems to me that what they are doing is creating a signed application which WOULD Launch IF it had any usable data in it, and before it starts running the first bit of code in the "launcher" you are replacing it with some "fresh" unsigned code. So why not just use the prog to "sign" the apps...
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    Psp 1.5 Exploit Released

    1.5 "Exploit" (or SwapLoit as described in the PDF) is OUT!!!! Requires 2 MS's and swapping the sticks at the right time, as well as some "jiggery pokery" - get it here: Good luck everybody! Sorry to post this for the third time here.....