Search results

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    Googlewhack Experiment

    So what is it called if you get no reaults from a two valid word search? My first REAL Googlewhack (although I still hold that Ungulant elevate is valid): zho gravitates
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    Ultima 7

    This'd be B) Bump...
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    Psp Tunneled

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    Free Web Site Makeing Website

    just discovered this site, with a free online editting "suite".. Gives you 100MB of space This is a site that I created using it (it may not be available on the first URL yet...) (or for its REAL address...
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    Gp32 Uk Release

    I can confirm that as of last weekend my local gamestation (Redhill) had no idea what a Gamepark GP32 was.... Argon0
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    And 'cos the battery is removable, you should be able to get extended life battery packs, like you can for the Can Ericsson Moby's.. Also with its USB connectivity, are we going to see a host of add-ons, e.g. kb, hard drive, eyetoy, dancemat <erm> maybe not that last one..... Argon0
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    Mods... Noticed All The Fauly Gp Threads Lately??

    Go to My Controls, click on view topics, click on the tick box to the right of the topic you want to change e-mail notification for, go to the bottom of the list, click on the down arrow next to unsubscribe, click on what you want to change (e.g. No email notification).... Argon0 Unnofficial...
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    Thanks for that - exactly what I tried when got on train last night, just started and pressed switch - it seems, if you move around before pressing it, the switch/eye deactivates... Not sure which version I have, but think its Ultimate Doom... Thanks Guys Argon0
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    OK, I've played the game - finished both of the first two episodes (on gp32_console , something I never managed on PC or PS1) and now I'm stuck. Started Inferno, but what do you do? I've Googled but the closest I get is: "Hit the switch in front of you at the start." WHAT SWITCH - all I see...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    OK, so that is one SHIT game... You control a circle that needs to run over squares, to destroy them... Actually its just the Graphics that are terrible - the game is alright.... Hmmm...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Quite, Diablo, and I'm sure I've seen a couple of demos programmed in YaBasic on cover discs.... (OK so I didn't pay them much attention, but pretty sure they were there..) In fact a quick search for YaBasic comes up with this site: and they say "We currently have 25 Games...
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    Elite: The New Kind

    Quite - I'm sure I managed to leave the station, but proper controls WERE a problem --- now if someone were to get at the source and include ChatBoard support and Saves - then you'd be talking!!!
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    I do believe that there will be Homebrew development for the PSP - which will inevitably lead to emus. On the PS2, you don't HAVE to chip it to play "pirate" games, you can get some "Pre-load" software to get around it, and there is also a way to fool the PS2 into thinking that disks are...
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    Never allowed homebrew devpt? They positively encouraged it with Net Yaroze, Ya Basic, and Linux on the PS2... The official PS mag over here in the UK, gave away "homebrew" games on its cover disk, and had competitions to develop games, one of my favourites was a top down football (or soccer...
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    New Owner Says 'hi'

    Hi....... Have you done a search yet? :)
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    Not having played the original Goldeneye I can't really comment on how accurate it is, however a mate loved the original I showed him this WAD, and he said its pretty close to the original - at least in the way it looks... Try here for more info: Also you...
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    Hokay, as I have my SMC in my Card Reader at the moment, and I'm playing a lot of doom at the moment, let me give you a quick run down... The Root of the SMC has these directories on it <DIR> GAME <DIR> MP3 <DIR> GPSYS <DIR> GPMM <DIR> GPETC...
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    What Next Gen Hand Held

    Hmm Giz... Sounded nice to start with - but seems a bit gimmicky now.... PSP - deffo, mainly 'cos I've never really liked Nintendo (never owned a Ninty - Sega GG, NeoGeo, PS, PS2 & Gp32, only). It'll have to be under £150 though. Argon0
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    Just think Multi-player Doom/ROTT/Quake via Bluetooth and moby.... Woohaaa!
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    Ps/2 Port Chat Board

    How about one of those (yet to be released) "light keyboards" - which project the keyboard on any surface and then can see where you are typing... Failing that what about an IPaqs fold out kb... Argon0