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    New Gp32 Fanzine In Production

    Good luck,I creted a magazine for gp32,But the day before the launch my hdd was formatted.If you would like any help,Please contact me through PM.
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    Building A Pc, Help!!!

    Ok, Can tell me if your motherboard has Onboard graphx, Beacause the voodo is old, Also being PCI the motherboard wont recognise it,PCI graphx cards normally have plug and play. But you really need an agp board,You say the Motherboard has no monitor port,It could be TFT only?Im not actually sure...
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    Toomy K is red sauce\Tomatoe Ketchup, Blood.
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    Is Blipped4 An Asshat?

    Ok i send in a couple unchecked posts,Ill have to double check before i send them.
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    Simpsons Doom

    The sites down.
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    GP32 Dev Enviroment

    Thankyou, The links worked well. Thankyou for your time.
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    What Do You Think Are The GP32's Limits?

    No, Printscreen-->photoshop(ctrl+v)-->jpeg-->pclink-Windups Hehhe,Thats the way to get your Wind0$3 XP box on your gp!
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    Fossilised Poo

    No,Tell us!
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    GP32 Dev Enviroment

    Hi all i have learned alot of c++ now and i am looking at starting to have a go at coding, I am looking for the "Dev Kit Advance pack" I heard of this from Rico's Tutorial, At This tutorila gives a link,however the File is corrupt.Has Anyone got any...
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    What Do You Think Are The GP32's Limits?

    I think a prot ogf metal gear,If the sources are available would work.
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    What Do You Think Are The GP32's Limits?

    I voted satur to be a tit,But the gba could be emulateds,Not many games though.
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    Neo Geo

    Does any one know if there is work going on still with the Neo Geo Pocket emulator?
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    Fossilised Poo

    Keep em coming.
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    New L And R Buttons!

    Everyones listenining to their buttons :P .
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    Kof 9.1

    Anyone know any of the moves?I did a special with Wolverine but I was really just bashing the buttons.
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    GP32 In Different Colors ?

    I recon it would like nice with a well drawn anime character on the back or,Maybe some tatoo like art.
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    Another Gametrac Thread.

    Twice as big as the N-GAGE.
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    Kvm For Gp32

    So would it not be possible ever to run any java games,For example look at this game:- Trial Bike Pro
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    Kvm For Gp32

    Will we see applets?
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    Kof 9.1

    Can any one kill the hulk or got any ways to kill him?