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    Public Apology

    Dude,Keep your mind open, Do you want to be shrouded by bad thoughts that never come out? But dude I reckon its cewl that you apologise,I would like to apologise for my sheer spam and shit,But, Only to the normal peeps like yourself.
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    Hhahhahah stupid twats!
  3. B

    Gp32 Spare Parts

    I have a broken one that you could replacre theese parts with.
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    Well,Shit all happens on theese boards, Just ppl blabbin on about the same thing over and over,So i like to add flavour.
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    Gba And Stuff

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    GP32 Array Definition

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    Gba And Stuff

    Well im not sure how low i will go,But the gp32 did do 166mhz with good batteries.
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    Dudes, I im not botherd what yyou think,At the end of the day its a fuckin forum. You need to take things a little less serious. I can see you are insecure,Thats why u get wound up,Boys it ok. :lol:
  9. B


    ANOX STFU! lol Scotland isoverwhelmed by fattys in skirts.
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    I not bein smug, I know that America, Britain and Italy hold the fattest popullation.
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    Gba And Stuff

    THe gp32 doesn tcome with a linker,They cost £10 from gbax. The GBA Sp comes with a linker,Its usb .
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    Gba And Stuff

    The lcd is broken on the gp32,It costs very little to get the new LCD,I asked at lik-Sang ,They said i could get it cheap,Defo less to buy this than a new one.I know itr will work for certain with the New LCD Because u can hear the sounds,Also i played some mp3s on it.
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    Ebay And The Like

    Dont you have to have a job?I had one but sacked it off,Now im 16 i can get £4.50 P/HR !!!!lol
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    Ebay And The Like

    I tried that,It just ptompts the credit Info screen.Damn!
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    No.Obcviously :P
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    Yeah Dude,The link is broke but I love tremors, Tremors too was good how they had the ass blasters!LOL.
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    Ebay And The Like

    LOL, I am 16,I dont have a credit card,Therefore i cannot sell on Ebay or buy.
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    I grew up watchin Tremors,Hmm So thew director made his site on a free DNS?:lol:
  19. B

    Will Gamepark Make New Extras After Europe Release

    Yeah i dont think they should say about the internet, Thats the reason i bought my gp32,But its still good,Isnt there a law against this stuff,Like saying on ebay"Millions of games" Where thers like only one,Do you get me??
  20. B


    Well America is known as the most obeese Community. The ones who had no offense are the ones who arent Dicks.