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  1. K

    ShiteGBA gets an update.

    I'd like to know if anyone has gotten anything worthwile running w/shittegba .2 I'm reading that pd roms are the only thing usable, tell me if you have anything good going. Also, does it perform save states?
  2. K

    help me please!

    Usually when I need to find out whether my wrists are borken or not, I start by sommoning the holy undying eternal wind godess. Usually if your wrists are broken, you may feel some pain when you are beating your wife. Although chances are, you broke your wrist in the first place because of so...
  3. K

    Snatcher for MSX?

    I would like to appologize to CoolJerk, he is extremely correct in making sure I don't over step my grammar boundaries. As you can see I did not use "correct punctuation". For those of you who don't know what correct punctuation is, it's doing things like not capitalizing the first letter of a...
  4. K

    Official European release date!

    Why is this bad news?
  5. K

    Snatcher for MSX?

    So whats the deal, can snatcher for msx be played on the gp32? If so thats amazing good news for my goodness. Has anyone sucessfully played this game on their gp32? I may not have the right file but my version of msx snatcher has no .rom extention. Instead it's three files that are a .dsk...
  6. K

    I hate being sick.

    The reason you are sick is because god does not love you any more. Its his little way of saying, please die oyu inadequate lifeform. Become compost so that trees may grow from your flesh.
  7. K

    gp32 speakers....

    Also, if you were to go with a more powerful set of speakers there may be LCD corruption from the magnetic force fields that shoot out of all naturally created magnetic rock units. Try putting a magnet up to a TV
  8. K

    gp32 speakers....

    Sorry Evildragon, but he did say he wanted LOUDER speakers. Start with the Time warp is what I say! BWA HA
  9. K

    gp32 speakers....

    craseeplaya's right, if you were to replace the speakers your gp32 would not be any louder, so get a pair of battery powered computer speakers if you need loud tunes. Why do you need it louder anyway? I think the gp32 is plenty loud loud loud loud loud for breakfast loud