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  1. willrandship

    Dingoo Mods

    I think I could, providing I can get the dingoo open. After that it's just soldering some wires onto the boards and cutting a few holes! (I'm assuming you want the screen in the center) It won't look nice, but it'll work great! I once made a snes to parallel adapter for a friend. It was...
  2. willrandship

    A Teaser For You Retro Fanatics .. Text Adventures Ftw!

    Can an Adrift interpreter be made? That way we'd have access to another large community! I'm not sure if it's open source, though.
  3. willrandship

    Will This Work For Booting The Pandora?

    I found this script for making beagleboard and omap3 bootable SD cards. Will it work wih the pandora, and will it be necessary?
  4. willrandship


    Providing you have a video card with VGA or supports VGA adapter, good old CRTs make great second monitors. Sure, they're big, and make sure you get one with decent brightness, but they still make fine screens! I had a two CRT setup once! (I had to remove the CD column from the side of my desk...
  5. willrandship

    Pmenu Skins Lost

    Did you lose the backgrounds too? or just the skins? I still have my background if you need it.
  6. willrandship

    How Will Evolve?

    I think we should use the current site layout, but change the tabs around. For instance, current status changes to something else, order changes to an actual shop, etc. etc. It should also link to the file archive.
  7. willrandship

    Pandora 2, A Year Or So From Now?

    I think that they should have at least 10 batches of original so that I have time to get an original panda. Why have one release, only to be superceded by a more powerful version?
  8. willrandship

    Pandora 2, A Year Or So From Now?

    not possible. Read above posts, board can only handle 2 SDs. How about this? Build yourself a clip on shell with a usb hub that has microSD readers built in? Or better yet! Plug in the FREE adapter that comes with every microsd in exsistence! Why are you so latched on it? It's way too pricey...
  9. willrandship

    When Will Second Batch Happen?

    6+ months, eh? not so bad. I'm feeling fairly confident about the cases. Check out some of the stores on the homepage for accessories that will be available.
  10. willrandship

    Windows 95 Runs On N900 Via Dosbox

    Alongside a lot of this argument, I have one thing to say about win95 games. Many of the best ones had a dos mode, and the windows only ones have many ports. EX: Castle of the Winds was my favorite win95 game of all time. (Mainly it was because it was the only roquelike i've ever heard of) Play...
  11. willrandship

    The Pandora Has Landed

    that's what an OTG port does. It isn't new tech, and phones use it. It works bidirectioinally, and I believe you can even hook up 2 pandoras together! (Kinda pointless with Wifi though)
  12. willrandship

    When Will Second Batch Happen?

    The fact is, I can't afford a Pandora right now. I want a second batch one, and I wanted to know when it will happen. six months? a year? I hope not longer!
  13. willrandship

    Why Do Gurus Have Their Posts Stretched Out?

    We're not allowed top use flash drives at school without getting them scanned every time they leave the room.... Some of the PCs we have use firefox, but not the ones that run decent! Some of them are Pentium 3s!
  14. willrandship

    Edge Magazine's 100 Best Games To Play Today

    Mario 64 was a complete disappointment to me, as my first two n64 games were DK and OoT! DK is still awesome, even though it was my first game! Are the jungle green consoles worth more than the black ones? I have one with expansion pack, but it's missing the expansion slot cap and EXT cover!
  15. willrandship

    Why Do Gurus Have Their Posts Stretched Out?

    Whenever I'm on the computers at school any time I read a post by a GP32 guru (You know, with the red X) their post gets ridiculously stretched out. I have two possible explanations. 1. The school's PCs use internet explorer. 2. The Firewall is screwing up the html. Any ideas? Does this happen...
  16. willrandship

    Spoke To The Factory

    I has Pandora ( ;) )> :pandora2ut4: :pandora2ut4: <( -_- ) 'zzzz But I got so very bored So I Played It!!!!!! ('> :pandora2ut4: <') Haiku can be fit to any situation!
  17. willrandship

    My Money Back?

    Whoa! I didn't know two other batches were already in the works! Sweet! I need a job, so I haven't ordered one yet. I would if I could, but I still need my application to McDonalds to process!
  18. willrandship

    Celstart Port Possible?

    So, does it use something higher? I couldn't find anything on their site. Also, i find python the simplest language in existence that actually allows for functions.
  19. willrandship

    Make Millions Of Them!

    I told them it would eventually be able to emulate PSP and PSX at Fullspeed, as well as N64. That's true, isn't it? I also told them it would have almost all free software. (Also true)